Welcome to the exhibit hall at Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium, June 2 – June 4, 2023!
View the full conference schedule.
Symposium Information

Lodging and meal packages start at $343 for two nights lodging and 6 meals.
If you’re staying off-campus, commuter meals are also available for $109 for the weekend.
Student Apartment Lodging at UNCA is now fully booked. Email us if you would like to be on a waiting list for a room in an apartment (private single bedrooms with a shared bath and a common kitchen and living room area).
Overflow lodging available in a dormitory setting in nearby Founders Hall. Each dormitory space is two single-occupancy rooms (same gender in each room) connected by a shared bathroom. Linens are provided.
The lodging is filling up, please make your reservation today! Cancellation with full refund possible by April 16. No refunds for lodging possible after that.
Register for lodging and meals online.
Alternate Lodging in Asheville: View list
Exhibitor Arrival: When arriving please come to Highsmith Student Union. Setup begins at noon on Friday, June 2. More details below.
Exhibitor Details
1. Please email the Conference Manager at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org the names of your exhibit reps and their email addresses. Please keep us informed if the names change. Extra reps (more than two) at the table pay a special registration fee of $289.
2. Each exhibitor is supplied with a 6′ rectangular table and chairs that are assigned in the tabling space of the hallways of Highsmith Union. (Half-table exhibitors will share a table with another half-table exhibitor). Bring table coverings and/or draping.
3. Setup for exhibit tables is 12PM – 8PM on Friday, June 2, and 7AM – 10AM on Saturday, June 3. The exhibit area is open during symposium registration, breaks and meals; however, due to the location of the exhibitor tables in the hallway, exhibitors will have the utmost exposure to attendees. Attendee registration begins at 5PM on Friday and will take place in Highsmith Student Union, where the exhibitor tables are located. There will be a reception with music at 6:30 PM, so it’s a good idea to be set up by then. The last exhibitor break ends at 3:30 PM on Sunday.
4. Tables are staffed during breaks and meals. You may want to bring an extra cloth to cover your exhibit when you aren’t there.
5. If you would like to ship materials to the symposium, they should arrive no earlier than Monday, May 29. Your packages will be brought to your table for you. Address your shipped materials to:
Paula Pound, CPO 1200, Medicines of the Earth Conference
UNC Asheville, Sam Millar Complex
220 Campus Drive
Asheville, NC 28804
Note on return shipping: There is a UPS store located roughly 1 mile from campus (825 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville, 28804). Return shipping arrangements can be made through them and exhibitors can drop their packages off at the store prior to departing.
6. The conference is not responsible for lost or stolen articles and cannot ship goods back to exhibitors. All shipping after the event is the exhibitor’s responsibility.
We thank you for your support of the annual Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium and look forward to seeing you there! Please email the Conference Manager at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org if you have any questions.
Additional Symposium Events
To add an event to your exhibitor/sponsor registration, please email the Conference Manager at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org
Morning Pre-Symposium Intensive with Jason Miller, DACM, LAc

Title: Bridging the Gap between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Modern Biomedical Analysis
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Place: UNC Asheville
Cost: $89
Open only to registered conference participants.
Continuing Education: Approved for 1.5 general hours + 1.5 pharmacy for naturopathic physicians (OBNM); 3 PDA for acupuncturists (NCCAOM); approved for 3 nursing contact hours (AHNA)
Description: As a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and an advanced practitioner of botanical medicine based on biomedical testing and research, Jason Miller is uniquely qualified to bridge the gap between TCM macroecology and modern medical analysis. In this intensive he presents a series of three modules on TCM and its biomedical correlations:
• Spleen qi deficiency – The digestive system and the microbiome
• Phlegm-dampness – Metabolic syndrome, cell membranes and fatty acid metabolism
• Blood stagnation – Coagulation and thrombosis
He interweaves the principles of elemental endocrinology throughout the three modules by describing the five organ networks and their correlations in biomedicine. This helps bring the principles of TCM into immediate and practical clinical relevance for all practitioners.
In-Person Friday Field Study with David Winston, RH (AHG)
We’re sorry, this session is now FULL!

Title: Ethnobotanical and Native Plant Field Study
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: $79
Location: Botanical Gardens at Asheville
Open only to registered symposium participants (30 person limit)
Description: Join this perennial outdoor favorite for a day with herbalist David Winston. It’s just a short walk from the UNC conference center to the Asheville Botanical Garden, home of over 200 species of native plants. Examine the unique flora of the southeastern mountains and hear stories of creation and the origin of medicine. Discover how the medicine, food and useful materials provided by the plants have nurtured the Native peoples and Appalachian settlers for millennia. Explore the healing power of the herbs, the water, the earth, the trees, and how you can make them a part of your life. This event fills every year so please register early!
Note: Botanical Gardens of Asheville is a botanical sanctuary and harvesting of any plant or plant parts is not allowed.
Friday Garden Tour with Joe Hollis
We’re sorry, this session is now FULL!

Title: Ecology, Propagation, and Cultivation of Native and Oriental Medicinal Herbs
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Time: 1 PM – 5 PM
Cost: $69
Location: Mountain Gardens in Burnsville, NC (about 45 minutes from UNC Asheville)
Open only to registered symposium participants. 20 person limit
Description: Mountain Gardens is a forty-year-old botanical garden of useful plants incorporating the largest collection of medicinal herbs in the eastern US. Joe teaches the techniques of cultivation and propagation he has been honing for over 40 years. More on Mountain Gardens here.
Afternoon Pre-Symposium Intensive with Jillian Stansbury, ND

Title: Botanical Influences on Cell Membranes
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Time: 1 PM – 5:15 PM
Cost: $89
Location: UNC Asheville
Open only to registered symposium participants.
Continuing Education: Approved for 4 pharm hours for naturopathic physicians (pending approval OBNM); 4 PDA for acupuncturists (NCCAOM); approved for 4 nursing contact hours (AHNA)
Description: By understanding basic interactions on the level of the cell membranes, which are the mediators of all activity within the cell, we can become better at managing a host of conditions we see regularly as practitioners. This intensive investigates four of these interactions and the botanicals and pharmaceuticals acting on them: lipids/eicosanoids; glycoproteins/antivirals; ion channels/muscle relaxation and signal transduction/second messengers. Taken together, the parts of this intensive form a picture of just some of the ways cell membranes have direct effects on health.
Continuing Education Information
Continuing Education Credits
(Hours listed below include attendance at Friday events)
- Approved for up to 38.5 hours of which 11.5 can be pharmacy (OBNM)
- Full ND CE approval details
- Approved for up to 20.5 PDA for live event only (NCCAOM)
- Full NCCAOM approval details
- Approved for up to 55 Contact Hours
- Full nursing continuing education details
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Approved to award 55 contact hours.
Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.
We will post application status and details of approvals as they are available. Number of credits depends on which lectures are attended.
CE Questions? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Other Symposium Information

Cancellations: Before May 11, registration fees will be refunded minus $100 processing per registrant. No refunds can be given after 5/11/23. Cancellations should be emailed to the Conference Manager at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org.
Alternate Lodging in Asheville: View list
If you are driving to UNC Asheville, the address is 1 University Heights, Asheville, NC 28804. Conference registration is located in Highsmith Student Union. Upon arriving at UNCA, follow the signs to Highsmith Student Union. Parking lot is located directly past Highsmith Student Union on the right-hand side.
Questions? Contact us.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Caitlin Maher
Conference Manager
Herbal Educational Services