Continuing Education for Naturopathic Physicians: Southwest Conference 2025

Aloe Vera

CME Approvals for Naturopathic Physicians:
(See chart below for credits for individual presentations)

  • Approved by Sonoran University CE Board (SUHS) for up to 42.5 hours of which 10 can be pharmacy + 3 opioid/addiction (total hours include attendance at Friday in-person field study and online intensive)
  • Application has been submitted to OBNM for up to 38.5 of which 13 can be pharmacy (total hours include attendance at Friday online intensive)
    • Application submitted to AAFP: Up to 20.5 Prescribed Credits for California NDs

      Chart of CE Hours for Each Presentation

      Recordings are listed alphabetically by speaker in the table below. Continuing education credits apply to all states accepting Oregon (OBNM), Arizona (SUHS), and AAFP continuing education credits.

      Speaker NamePresentation TitleGeneral
      Hours (approved by SUHS; pending approval OBNM)
      Hours (approved by SUHS; pending approval OBNM)
      Paul BergnerModular Herbal Formulation1.5
      Paul BergnerNew Herban Legends and Clinical Pearls: Misinterpretations of
      Constituent Science
      Renee CamillaSpinal Discs and the Plants: The Energetics of Herniations1.5
      Camille FreemanWorking with Pregnant Clients: What Herbalists Need to Know1.5
      Kristin Gilmour and Julianne
      Pre-Conference Intensive: Phytotherapy for the Respiratory System – Roots, Research and Clinical Relevance22
      Lori HargerOpiate Use Disorder: Integrating Medication-Assisted Treatment and
      Holistic Approaches for Whole-Person Care
      1.5 (or 1.5 opioid/addiction credits for AZ NDs)
      Christopher HobbsThe Nature of Viruses: Their Role in Life, Health, and Human Immunity - How to Prevent and Treat Viral Infections1.5
      Tori HudsonPrescriptions in Women’s Health: What Integrative Practitioners Need to Know0.51
      Jack LambertUpdate on Long COVID: Symptoms, Etiology and Management Plans
      from the EU
      Brigette MarsDying with More Grace and Ease1.5
      Brigitte MarsSexual Vitality: Integrative Approaches to Sexual Health1.5
      Brianna PichePediatric Functional GI Disorders & Herbal Medicine10.5
      Kenneth ProefrockHydrogels and Botanical Medicine: Considerations for the Treatment of
      Burn Injury
      Kenneth ProefrockNaturopathic Approaches to Assisting Patients through Substance Dependency and Withdrawal1.5 (or 1.5 opioid/addiction credits for AZ NDs)
      Kenneth ProefrockThe Biochemistry of Hair Growth and Loss and Botanical Medicine Interventions0.51
      Mary RondeauBotanical Medicine and Depression Phenotypes: Rethinking Mental
      Health Beyond the DSM
      Brandon RuizCaribbean Herbal Medicine Making1.5
      JoAnn SanchezPlants of the Superstition Wilderness: A Field Exploration4 (approved by SUHS only; no credit available from OBNM)
      John SlatteryBioregional Herbalism in the Sonoran Desert and American Southwest1.5
      Lucretia VanDykeBotanical Skincare with a Twist!1.5
      Lucretia VanDykeIn the Kitchens of our Ancestors1.5
      Allison WilliamsNavigating the Consistently Inconsistent Mast Cell Patient10.5
      David WinstonFearing the Future: the Botanical Treatment of Anxiety Disorder10.5
      David Winston, Mary Rondeau and Lucretia
      Panel: How to Deliver Herbs to Patients: Tips for Making Them Palatable and Utilizing Food as Medicine1.5
      Katie Stage, Tori Hudson and
      Renee Camila
      Panel: Perimenopause and Years Beyond: Managing Symptoms, Enhancing Vitality, and Supporting the Transition0.51

      Return to the main Southwest Conference program page

      Questions? Be sure to contact us and we will be happy to help!