Clinical Management of Anxiety and Depression Series

verbena for anxiety
Verbena hastata (vervain)

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Seven (7) audio lectures (1.5 – 2 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (110-page PDF)
  • Order with one click for $60 ($105 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Details: This series of seven audio recordings begins with an overview by David Winston, RH (AHG) of differential treatment according to the cause: hepatic and GI-based depression, hormonal depression, GI-based anxiety and more. Tori Hudson, ND continues with a description of the fearsome twosome of anxiety and depression in women in which she prescribes select botanicals with particular attention to the influence of cortisol and other hormonal states.

Jill Stansbury, ND emphasizes the necessity of delicate incremental therapies for those immobilized by depression, and those undergoing withdrawal from SSRIs and MAO inhibitors. She defines trophorestoratives as those herbs which nourish the whole nervous system, upon which more specific formulas are built for the individual’s situation.

Going further than just an absence of disease, Lise Alschuler, ND gives recommendations for “Supporting Happiness and Reducing Anxiety and Depression.” And finally, Donald Yance, RH (AHG) presents a 4-hour intensive entitled “Mood Disorders: An Integrative Approach to Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Pharmaceuticals.” (Includes a 110-page PDF of lecture notes.)

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Rosemary, Turmeric, and Lemon Balm

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Mary Bove, ND was recently asked a question as part of the 2020 Summer Series: “What three herbs would you recommend for study by beginning students of herbalism?” In the video above she listed Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Curcuma longa (Turmeric), and Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm) as a great place to start. Continue reading

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Video presentations offer complete clinical information, with the speaker and the PowerPoint playing together in an ideal format for online learning. Continuing education credits available for all videos.

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medicines from the earth herb symposium 2020

southwest conference on botanical medicine 2020

Browse all available videos by chart:

SpeakerPresentationTopicCE Catalog #Video Link
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2024 Medicines from the Earth Herb SymposiumVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2024 Southwest Conference on Botanical MedicineVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2023 Medicines from the Earth Herb SymposiumVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2023 Southwest Conference on Botanical MedicineVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2022 Medicines from the Earth SymposiumVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2022 Southwest Conference on Botanical MedicineVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2021 Medicines from the Earth SymposiumVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2021 Southwest Conference on Botanical MedicineVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2020 Medicines from the Earth SymposiumVideo
VariousFull Set of Videos from 2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical MedicineVideo
VariousPharmacy 2023 Video SeriesVideo
VariousPharmacy 2022 Video SeriesVideo
VariousPharmacy 2021 Video SeriesVideo
VariousMental Health Video SeriesMental HealthVideo
VariousBuilding Immunity Video SeriesImmunityVideo
Mary Bove, NDKeynote Address: Inspired by Herbs: The Herbal Journey of a Modern Day HerbalistHerbalism24ME01Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcThe Dementia Epidemic: Evolution, Causes and the Role of Botanical MedicineNeurological Health24ME02Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDLobelia: A Classic Respiratory Herb Matures into the Modern EraMedicinal Plants; Traditional Chinese Medicine24ME03
Rebecca Beyer, MAAppalachian Herbal TonicsMedicinal Plants; Medicine Making24ME04
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDNaturopathic Considerations for Nerve Injury and RepairNeurological Health24ME05Video
Mary Bove, NDThyroid Health: Zeroing in on Two Common Thyroid ConditionsHormone Health24ME06Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcThe 4 Horsemen of Chronic Disease: Assessing and Managing the Complicated Case, Pt 1: Stress and Chronic InfectionMental Health; Infections24ME07Video
Lucretia VanDyke, HerbalistAfrican American Herbalism: A Practical Class on Healing Plants and Folk TraditionsHerbalism24ME08Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Foraged Foods as Medicine: From Garden Weeds to Table (Demonstration)Herbalism; Medicine Making24ME09Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAc; Jillian Stansbury, ND; and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Panel Discussion: Hypercholesterolemia: Comparing Efficacy and Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals and BotanicalsCardiovascular Health24ME10Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDParasites: The Devil InsideGastrointestinal Health24ME11Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Tree Medicine: Sentient Beings and Allies for LifeHerbalism24ME12Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcThe 4 Horsemen of Chronic Disease: Assessing and Managing the Complicated Case, Pt 2: Environmental Toxins and Nutrient DeficiencyEnvironmental Illness24ME13Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)Botanical Analogs for At-Risk MedicinalsMedicinal Plants24ME14Video
Vickie Shufer, MAWild Fruits of the Fields and Forests (Demonstration)Herbalism24ME15Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Botanicals that Provide most of the Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Cancer CareCancer24ME16Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDGlutamine/Glutamate Dysfunction and Common Neurological ConditionsNeurological Health24ME17Video
Lucretia VanDyke, HerbalistHerbal Skin Care Preparations (Demonstration)Skin Conditions24ME18Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD; Kat Maier and Lucretia VanDyke, HerbalistPanel Discussion: The Challenges of Climate Change in Clinical PracticeEnvironmental Illness24ME19Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Pre-symposium Intensive: Optimizing Physical Performance and Recovery with BotanicalsMedicinal Plants24ME20Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Post-symposium Online Intensive; Natural Treatment of Prostate Conditions: Blending Western Herbal Practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and PharmacyMen's Health24ME21Video
Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist; Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH(AHG), CAP(NAMA), AAC; and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNGPanel Discussion: Prevention of Viral Infections: Building Immunity with BotanicalsInfections24SW01Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO; Kenneth Proefrock, NMD; and Jillian Stansbury, NDPanel Discussion: Botanical Therapies for Recovery from Myocardial Infarction (MI)Cardiovascular Health24SW02Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNOPre-Conference Intensive: Restorative Sleep: Integrative Strategies for Remediating Sleep DisordersSleep24SW03Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNOFinding Flow in the LymphaticsLymphatic System24SW04Video
Ann Armbrecht, PhDWhy Using Sustainably Sourced Herbs Matters and How to Find ThemSustainability24SW05Video
Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNPFrom Papaver to Fentanyl: How We Got Here and How Herbs Can HelpSubstance Use Disorder24SW06
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistComparative Materia Medica for the Bitter HerbsMedicinal Plants24SW07Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistHerban Legends and Clinical Pearls in the Female Reproductive Materia MedicaWomen's Health24SW08Video
Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH(AHG), CAP(NAMA), AACPsilocybin Mushrooms in Clinical PracticeMushroom Medicine24SW09Video
Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH(AHG), CAP(NAMA), AACHolistic Treatment of RhinosinusitisEars, Nose, Throat; ENT24SW10Video
Renée CamilaAs Part of a Whole: Insecurity as Physical IndicationMental Health24SW11Video
Kristin Gilmour, BHSc (Naturopathy) and Julianne Grant, BHSc (Naturopathy), BApSc (HM)Botanical Solutions for Viral Infections – From Acute to Chronic SequelaeInfections24SW12Video
Marianne Marchese, NDHow to Mitigate the Effects of Mold and Mycotoxin ExposureMold24SW13Video
Brianna Piché, ND, RH (AHG), FABNPBreastfeeding Medicine: Low Milk Supply, Galactagogues and Botanicals for Common Breastfeeding PitfallsWomen's Health; Postpartum24SW14Video
Brianna Piché, ND, RH (AHG), FABNPHerbs and Pediatric FeverChildren's Health24SW15Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDA Comprehensive Management Plan for MS: Botanicals, Nutrients and the New Generation of PharmaceuticalsAutoimmune24SW16Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDThe Evolution of Wound Care: Botanical Medicine-Based Considerations and StrategiesSkin24SW17Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)For the Family: Using EEG BioMarker Patterns to Guide Parenting and Relationship Strategies Including Botanicals Indicated for these PatternsChildren's Health; Mental Health24SW18Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNGTreatment Approaches to the #1 Cause of Liver Disease in North America: MAFLDLiver24SW19Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDHerbal Anodynes: Palliatives for PainPain Relief24SW20Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDReview of COPD Pathophysiology and Available TherapiesPulmonary Health24SW21Video
Christina Veselak, MS, CN, LMFTEnding Opioid Addiction: Using Herbs and Nutrients to Support the Brain and Body Through Withdrawal into Vibrant LivingSubstance Use Disorder24SW22Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNOClinical Applications of Medicinal Mushrooms with Synergistic BotanicalsMushroom Medicine23ME01Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNODistress, Anxiety and Depression: A Botanically-Based ApproachMental Health23ME02Video
Mark Blumenthal40 Years of HerbalGram: Working to Ensure Accurate Herb Information and Authentic and Sustainably-Sourced HerbsHerbalism23ME03Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Bitters as Therapeutic Tonics (Demonstration)Medicine Making; Herbalism23ME04Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Creating an Herbal Day Spa at HomeMedicine Making; Herbalism23ME05Video
Mary Bove, NDSenescence, Senolytics, and AgingElder Health23ME06Video
Mary Bove, NDSimplicity of Simples in Botanical MedicineMedicine Making; Herbal Teas23ME07Video
Chris Kilham, Medicine HunterKeynote Address: Plants, People and Places, A Web of LifeMedicinal Plants23ME08Video
Chris Kilham, Medicine HunterPeru’s Sacred Plant Boom and SustainabilityPlant Sustainability23ME09Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)We Are Stardust: Trace Elements as Foundational Building Blocks of HealthHerbalism23ME10Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcIntensive: Management of Complex Chronic Disease: Combining TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Concepts with Modern Biomedical AnalysisTraditional Chinese Medicine23ME11Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcThe TCM Essence / Modern Genetics Parallel: From Congenital to Post-Congenital / From Digital to AnalogTraditional Chinese Medicine23ME12Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDTropane Alkaloids: From the History of Pharmacy to the Modern Practice of Botanical MedicineMedicinal Plants23ME13Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDCase Studies in the Naturopathic Treatment of Neurodegenerative ConditionsNeurological Health23ME14Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)How to Put the Brakes on the Runs: Approaches to Finding the Root Cause and Treatment of Persistent DiarrheaGastrointestinal Health23ME15Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDIntensive: Botanical Influences on Cell MembranesMedicinal Plants23ME16Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDMast Cells – Their Role in Health and Disease and Botanical AffectorsAllergies23ME17Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDThought Disorders – A Survey of the Safety of Botanical Medicines in SchizophreniaMental Health23ME18Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Medicinal Mushrooms in Oncology: Everything You Need to Know About Mushrooms and CancerMushroom Medicine; Cancer23ME19Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Aging and the Immune System: Using Botanical and Dietary Compounds for Immune Enhancement and Clearance of Senescent Cells to Combat Aging, Infection, and Chronic DiseaseElder Health; Immunity23ME20Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, Kenneth Proefrock, ND and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNGPanel: Mild Cognitive Impairment: Can it be Halted or Reversed?Elder Health; Brain Health; Neurological Health23ME21Video
Mary Bove, ND, Kat Maier, RH (AHG) and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Panel: Self Care: One of the Most Challenging and Rewarding Aspects of Patient (and our own) HealthMental Health23ME22Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Friday Pre-Conference Intensive: Reclaiming Self: Herbs to Correct AutoimmunityHormone Health, Autoimmune23SW21Video
Brianna Piche, ND, RH (AHG), Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG, and Jillian Stansbury, NDPanel Discussion: Botanical Therapies for Functional GI IssuesGastrointestinal Health23SW20Video
Dee Atkinson, FNIMH, Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and David Winston, RH (AHG)Panel Discussion: Botanical and other Therapies for Long COVIDCOVID23SW19Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Update on Herbs for Men's HealthMen's Health23SW18Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Herbal Dependence on the Gut FloraGastrointestinal Health23SW17Video
Jen Stovall, BSN, RNSoothing the Hungry Ghost: Supporting our Clients When They are Ready to Quit Using OpioidsSubstance Use Disorder23SW16Video
Jen Stovall, BSN, RNManaging the Impacts of Opioid Use Using Herbs & NutritionSubstance Use Disorder23SW15Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDGastrodia elata: Traditional Chinese Medicine for Managing Migraines, Stroke and MoreMedicinal Plants, Traditional Chinese Medicine23SW14Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDA New Perspective on Mood Disorders: The Role of Oxidative Stress in Common Anxiety and Depressive StatesMental Health23SW13Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG“I’m Not Sick…It’s Allergies!” Natural Treatments for Allergic ConditionsAllergies23SW12Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDCase Studies in the Naturopathic Management of Traumatic Brain InjuryNeurological Health, Brain Health23SW11Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDHear Ye! Hear Ye! A Natural History of the Ear and Its Pathology: From Otitis to Meniere’s and Hearing LossHearing23SW10Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDImproving Neuroplasticity and Mental Adaptability with Botanical Medicine and Physical ActivityNeurological Health, Mental Health23SW09Video
Brianne Piche, ND, RH (AHG)Pediatric ADHD: Botanical Nootropics and Mood Support in Childhood and AdolescenceChildren's Health23SW08Video
Brianne Piche, ND, RH (AHG)Gende Affirming Care for Adolescents: Botanical Allies for TransitionGender Care23SW07Video
Jack Lambert, MD, PhDLong COVID: Symptoms, Etiology and Management Plans from the EUCOVID23SW06Video
Lillea Hartwell, ND, RH (AHG)A Modern Yerberia: Controlled-Environment Agriculture for Growing Herbs in the Desert SouthwestMedicinal Plants23SW05Video
Deborah Frances, NDSuppression vs. Healing: Appropriate Applications of Herbal and Nutritional Therapies for Common Skin ConditionsSkin23SW04Video
Chanchal Cabrera, FNIMH, RH (AHG)Three Cytotoxic Herbs – A Materia Medica Review of Artemisia absinthium, Thuja occidentalis and Taxus brevifolia in Clinical PracticeCancer23SW03Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistHerbal Treasures from the National Formulary (NF) of 1906Medicinal Plants23SW02Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistHistory and Clinical Uses of Eupatorium perfoliatum and Asclepias tuberosaMedicinal Plants23SW01Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Panel Discussion: Inspiring a Path Toward Wellness for those in our CareWellness22SW22Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAc, Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) and Jillian Stansbury, NDPanel Discussion: Botanical and other Naturopathic Therapies for Managing Multiple Drug Resistant InfectionsInfections22SW21Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDAlternatives to Polypharmacy in Conditions of Neurologic ImpairmentNeurological Health22SW19Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcThe Integral Immune System: Harmonizing the Neuroimmune Axis with Botanical MedicineImmunity22SW18Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDMaintaining a Healthy Heart in the Age of COVIDCardiovascular Health22SW17Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Finding Balance: Herbs and Treatments to Nurture YinTraditional Chinese Medicine22SW16Video
Jason Hawrelak, NDHerbal Medicines and the Gastrointestinal Microbiota: Herbs that Nurture and Herbs that KillGastrointestinal Health22SW15Video
David Eisen, LAc, MSW, OMD(AM)A Multidisciplinary Integrated Model for Treating Chronic Pain and Opioid DependenceSubstance Use Disorder22SW14Video
Andrea Sullivan, ND and Marc Williams, MATwo-Part Lecture: The Roots of Naturopathy: Herbal Remedies from African Slaves and The Ethnobotany of the African DiasporaMedicinal Plants22SW13Video
JoAnn Sanchez, RH (AHG)Herbs of Joy: A Virtual Guided Plant Show and Preparations DemonstrationMedicinal Plants22SW12Video
Isla Burgess, Medical HerbalistBiophilia: How Participating in the Lives of the Plants that Grow Around You Can Inform Your Clinical PracticeMedicinal Plants22SW11Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDBotanical and Other Protocols for Opiate Use DisorderSubstance Use Disorder22SW10Video
Lise Alschuler, NDPreserving GI Health During Cancer CareGastrointestinal Health22SW09Video
Deborah Frances, NDReclaiming the Sacred in Women’s Health: Plants as Allies for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual HealingWomen's Health22SW08Video
Jason Hawrelak, NDKey Points when Prescribing Probiotics in Clinical PracticeGastrointestinal Health22SW07Video
Deborah Frances, NDStrategies for Creating Herbal FormulasHerbalism22SW06Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistHerbs for Herpes and ShinglesMedicinal Plants22SW05Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistAntianxiety Herbs and Mechanisms of ActionMental Health22SW04Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDTreatment for Acute Panic DisorderMental Health22SW03Video
Erica Zelfand, NDKetamine in Doses Big and Small: Versatility in Treating Depression and Other Mood DisordersMental Health22SW02Video
Lise Alschuler, NDBotanicals for Frailty in EldersElder Health22SW01Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDPre-Conference Intensive: Herbal Compounding Workshop for Acute and Chronic ConditionsMedicine Making22ME25Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG), Ruby Daniels, MS, CoreyPine Shane, RH (AHG) and Marc Williams, MAClosing Panel: Favorite Appalachian Medicinal HerbsMedicinal Plants22ME24Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD, Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Panel: Reducing Medication Prescriptions and Side Effects in Our EldersElder Health22ME23Video
7Song, Kat Maier, RH (AHG) and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Keynote Panel: Inspiring A Way Forward: Navigating the Current Mental Health CrisisMental Health22ME22Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)The Calcium Paradox: Friend or Enemy?Calcium22ME21Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Targeting VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor): A Main Driver in Cancer Angiogenesis and GrowthCancer22ME20Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Spirituality and Healing: The Meaning and Practice of Spiritual Care in MedicineSpiritual Health22ME19Video
Marc Williams, MAAll About Dandelions: Medicinal and Holistic ApplicationsMedicinal Plants22ME18Video
Jen Stovall, BSN, RNThe Siren’s Song: Working with Addiction When Someone is Ready to QuitSubstance Use Disorder22ME17Video
Jen Stovall, BSN, RNThe Damage Done: Navigating the Physical Impacts of Long-Term Drug Use with Herbs & NutritionSubstance Use Disorder22ME16Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)The Impact of the Circadian Rhythm on Hormone and Whole Person HealthHormone Health22ME15Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Engaging the Post Pandemic LibidoSexual Health22ME14Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)SIBO, IMO and More! Updates on Small and Large Intestinal Bacterial OvergrowthGastrointestinal Health22ME13Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Phenotypes of Depression, Part 2Mental Health22ME12Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Phenotypes of Depression, Part 1Mental Health22ME11Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)The One and Only AshwagandhaMedicinal Plants22ME10Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDArchaic Techniques of Ecstasy: Exploring Botanical Medicine through the Work of Mircea EliadeMedicinal Plants22ME09Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDLost in Translation: Epigenetics, Mental Health and Botanical MedicineMental Health22ME08Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)Deep Medicine and Inflammation–How Health is Tied to the Human ConditionHerbalism22ME07Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)Energetic Herbalism: Understanding the Elements of Plants and Humans for HealthHerbalism22ME06Video
Ruby Daniels, MSTopical Herbal TreatmentsSkin22ME05Video
Ruby Daniels, MSAntiviral Herbs Native to the Appalachian MountainsMedicinal Plants22ME04Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)For the Joy of BonBons (Demonstration)Medicine Making22ME03Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Botanical Therapies to Align Mental, Emotional and Spiritual HealthHerbalism22ME02Video
7SongPrincipal Plants for Herbal First AidMedicinal Plants22ME01Video
JoAnn Sanchez, MSGarden Presentation: Growing a CureMedicinal Plants21SW25Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistThe Antiviral Materia MedicaMedicinal Plants21SW24Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDNaturopathic Considerations for Musculoskeletal Pain, Alternatives to Narcotics and Anti-inflammatoriesPain21SW23Video
Heath McAllister, NDIntegrative and Botanical Interventions for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Associated ArthritisGastrointestinal Health21SW22Video
Lise Alschuler, NDHerbal Impacts on Drug MetabolismHerb / Drug Interactions21SW21Video
Lise Alschuler, ND, Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), and Marianne Marchese, NDPanel: Naturopathic Approaches to Weight Management and Obesity PreventionWeight Management21SW20Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) & Arianna Rodriguez, NDMaking Rash Decisions: Naturopathic Therapies for Eczema and PsoriasisSkin21SW19Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDPhytosterols: A Review and TutorialMedicinal Plants21SW18Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDCOVID-19, Acute and Chronic Considerations in Naturopathic Patient ManagementInfections21SW17Video
John Slattery, HerbalistMedicinal Herbs in the Kitchen (Demonstration)Medicinal Plants21SW16Video
Tori Hudson, NDMushroom Medicine in Women’s HealthWomen's Health21SW15Video
Lise Alschuler, NDPre-Conference Intensive: Managing Pharmaceutical Side Effects and Discontinuance with Botanicals and other Natural TherapiesHerb / Drug Interactions21SW14Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Top Ten Botanical Medicines for Managing Mental Health DisordersMental Health21SW13Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDGetting into the Brain: Liposome Based Strategies for Neurological ConditionsNeurological Health21SW12Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDIn-Depth Look at Centella AsiaticaMedicinal Plants21SW11Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistTopical Antifungal Therapeutics with Western HerbsMedicinal Plants21SW10Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistMedicinal Uses of the Berberine-Containing PlantsMedicinal Plants21SW09Video
Lori Harger, PMHNPOpiate Use Disorder and its Treatment from a Body-Mind-Spirit Perspective - Part 2Substance Use Disorder21SW08Video
Lori Harger, PMHNPOpiate Use Disorder and its Treatment from a Body-Mind-Spirit Perspective - Part 1Substance Use Disorder21SW07Video
Deborah Frances, NDHerbal Allies for Nourishing the Emotional HeartHerbalism21SW06Video
Heath McAllister, NDUnderstanding the Therapeutic Importance of Saponins and Saponin Containing HerbsMedicinal Plants21SW05Video
Feather Jones, RH (AHG)Hormonal Imbalances and Gynecological Patterns Women's Health21SW04Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) & Arianna Rodriguez, NDAbout Face: Natural Approaches to Skin Conditions Primarily Affecting the FaceSkin21SW03Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Cannabidiol (CBD) and Mental HealthMental Health21SW02Video
Lise Alschuler, NDDiverticulitis: Integrative ManagementGastrointestinal Health21SW01Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcCannabis in Medicine: Applications and LimitationsMedicinal Plants21ME29Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDThe Chemistry of Flavors: Expanding our Palette and Increasing our Neural ConnectionsBrain Health21ME28Video
Jill Crista, NDConquering Toxic Mold ExposureMold21ME27Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG), Deborah Frances, ND and Mary Bove, NDKeynote Panel: Honoring our Teachers - Stories from the Early Years of Modern HerbalismHerbalism21ME26Video
Donald Yance, RH (AHG)Botanical Medicine Targeting Cancer Stem CellsCancer21ME25Video
Jillian Stansbury, ND, Jill Crista, ND, Kenneth Proefrock, NMDPanel: Managing Symptoms of Hormonal Disruption with Botanical MedicineHormone Health21ME24Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDClinical Uses of Autumn Crocus (Colchicum atumnale)Medicinal Plants21ME23Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcIntensive: Targeting the Biological Terrain in Collaborative Oncology: Correlating Modern Biomarkers with Traditional Principles of Diagnosis and TreatmentCancer21ME22Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG), Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and David Winston, RH (AHG)Panel: Restoring Mental Health in the 21st Century: Managing Chronic OverwhelmMental Health21ME21Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDVaporizer Technologies: Safety Considerations and a Mechanism for the Delivery of Botanical MedicinesMedicine Making21ME20Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDNeural Pathways ReviewBrain Health21ME19Video
Tori Hudson, NDBrain Aging in the Menopausal Woman: Effects on Moods, Memory and Botanical SolutionsWomen's Health21ME18Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Home Health Care for FamiliesMedicinal Plants21ME17Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Trauma-Informed Care: First Aid for PractitionersMedicinal Plants21ME16Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Restoring Mitochondrial Function through Botanicals, Nutrients and Dietary ModificationsNaturopathic Medicine21ME15Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcEssence, Hormesis, and Autophagy in Aging and LongevityTraditional Chinese Medicine21ME14Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcAcute Viral Infections: Addressing COVID and Seasonal Epidemic DiseaseInfections21ME13Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Embracing the Change: Botanical and HRT Treatments for MenopauseWomen's Health21ME12Video
Marc Williams, MATemperate Medicinal Plant Biogeography and ConservationMedicinal Plants21ME11Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDNaturopathic Formulas and Strategies of the Early 20th CenturyMedicine Making21ME10Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)Deepening Plant Relations – Goethean Study of NatureHerbalism21ME09Video
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)A Seasonal Model for Working with DepressionMental Health21ME08Video
Donald Yance, RH (AHG)Clinical Applications for Using 13 Heroic and Potentially Toxic HerbsMedicinal Plants21ME07Video
Jill Crista, NDPANDAS & PANS: Natural Medicine Rescue for Post-Infectious Autoimmune EncephalopathiesAutoimmune21ME06Video
Jillian Stansbury, NDHerbs to Improve Adrenergic Tone – Lifting Deep Lethargy and MelancholiaMental Health21ME05Video
Mary Bove, NDBotanical Therapies for Childhood AsthmaChildren's Health21ME04Video
Deborah Frances, NDThe Treatment of Intestinal Parasites with HerbsGastrointestinal Health21ME03Video
Deborah Frances, NDPelvic Decongestant Herbs for Clearing and GroundingMedicinal Plants21ME02Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Hairy Predicaments: Botanical Medicine for Hair Loss and Abnormal Hair GrowthHair21ME01Video
Sam CoffmanMitochondrial Support for Autoimmune and Stress-Related Chronic IllnessAutoimmune20SW29Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistHealing as a Spiritual PathSpiritual Health20SW28Video
Donald Yance, RH (AHG)Targeting COVID-19 with Natural MedicineInfections20SW27Video
Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNPAddiction Series Part B – Treating Addiction and Promoting Harm Reduction with Botanical Medicine and Some PharmaceuticalsSubstance Use Disorder20SW26Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Upper GI Disorders: Esophagitis, GERD/heartburn, Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer DiseaseGastrointestinal Health20SW25Video
Sam CoffmanDemonstration: Wound and Infection Management using HerbsInfections20SW24Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDCase Studies and Strategies in the Naturopathic Treatment of Pulmonary ConditionsPulmonary Health20SW23Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Testosterone and Botanical MedicineMen's Health20SW22Video
Glen Nagel, ND, RH (AHG)Field Applications in Botanical Medicine: Instant Tinctures with CO2 ExtractionMedicine Making20SW21Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD, Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Panel Discussion: Neuroplasticity and the Management of PTSD and other Mental Health ConditionsMental Health20SW20Video
John Slattery, HerbalistField Study in Bioregional HerbalismMedicinal Plants20SW19Video
Glen Nagel, ND, RH (AHG)Pre-Conference Intensive: Understanding the Herb / Drug Interaction Continuum and Using Risk AssessmentHerb / Drug Interactions20SW18Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Cancer Pain and Botanical MedicineCancer20SW17Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Treatment Considerations for Bipolar DisorderMental Health20SW16Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDMemory as Medicine: Botanicals Affecting Cognition, Memory and Sense of SelfBrain Health20SW15Video
Marianne Marchese, NDFood Addiction in Women: Botanical Treatment StrategiesWomen's Health20SW14Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDStrategies for Acute Illness in Children: Avoiding PharmaceuticalsChildren's Health20SW13Video
Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNPAddiction Series Part A – Understanding Addiction: Neurobiological and Cultural UnderpinningsSubstance Use Disorder20SW12Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)A Deeper Look into the Window of the Body: Understanding and Optimizing Oral HealthOral Health20SW11Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Assessing Nutritional Status in Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderChildren's Health20SW10Video
Marianne Marchese, NDBotanicals for Mitigating Environmental Toxicant ExposureEnvironmental Illness20SW09Video
JoAnn Sanchez, MSGrow Your Own Medicine Garden in the SouthwestMedicinal Plants20SW08Video
Yalda Shokoohinia, PharmD, PhDThe Side Effects of Apiaceaous PlantsMedicinal Plants20SW07Video
Andrea Purcell, NDBrain Aging in the Menopausal Woman: Effects on Moods and Memory with Botanical SolutionsWomen's Health20SW06Video
Heath McAllister, ND, RH (AHG)Mystical and Mysterious ArtemisiaMedicinal Plants20SW05Video
Heath McAllister, ND, RH (AHG)Botanical Treatment for Difficult Fungal InfectionsInfections20SW04Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistAcute Viral Respiratory Infection: Prevention and TherapeuticsInfections20SW03Video
Paul Bergner, Medical HerbalistHumoral and Energetic Differentials for Gastrointestinal (GI) HerbsGastrointestinal Health20SW02Video
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG)Managing IgA Nephropathy and FSGS with Natural MedicineUrinary System20SW01Video
Jennifer Williams, DACM, LAcTopical Botanical Therapies to Ease Substance WithdrawalSubstance Use Disorder20ME36VVideo
Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc, David Crow, LAc and Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Closing Panel: New Discoveries in Botanical MedicineMedicinal Plants20ME35Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)In the Zone: Research Considerations for Microdosing EntheogensEntheogens20ME34Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Panel: Botanicals and other Therapies for Improving Mechanisms of Cellular Repair to Increase LifespanLongevity20ME33Video
Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG)Keynote Address: Nature, Spirit, Medicine—Using Biophilia Practice and Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing) for Personal and Planetary HealingHerbalism20ME32Video
Mary Bove, ND, Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG)Panel: Clinical Approaches to Immune-Centered IllnessImmunity20ME31Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Pre-Conference Intensive: Mitigating the Effects of Glyphosate and other Environmental ToxinsEnvironmental Illness20ME30Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Keeping Kids HealthyChildren's Health20ME29Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Oxymels and Vinegar InfusionsHerbalism20ME28Video
Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAcDiabetes, Obesity and Related DiseasesDiabetes20ME27Video
Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAcMushroom Spirit MedicineMushroom Medicine20ME26Video
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Anxiety: More than an Over Aroused StateMental Health20ME25Video
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)Herbal Tea Apothecary: Teas for Every Body System, Energetic Tissue State and ConstitutionHerbalism20ME24Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Taming the Dragon: Botanical Approaches for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)Gastrointestinal Health20ME23Video
Doug ElliottVirtual Herb Walk and StorytellingMedicinal Plants20ME22Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcProstate Cancer: A Comprehensive and Collaborative ApproachMen's Health20ME21Video
Joe HollisEcology, Propagation and Cultivation of Native and Oriental Medicinal Herbs at Mountain Gardens with Q&A SessionMedicinal Plants20ME20Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDLymphagogues and Alteratives: Lessons in Herbal ImmunologyImmunity20ME19Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcDemystifying Qi: A Reverse-Engineering Approach to Understanding the Concept of Qi in Botanical MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine20ME18Video
Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG)Targeting IL-1 in Immunotherapy for Cancer and other Diseases using Botanical MedicineCancer20ME17Video
Jason Miller, DACM, LAcThe Yin and Yang of Hormone Balance: A Botanical and Nutritional Medicine Approach to Hormone Deficiency and Endocrine DisruptionHormone Health20ME16Video
Mary Bove, NDWomen, Autoimmunity and Estrogen MetabolismWomen's Health20ME15Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDNeuroplasticity and the NMDA receptor: Botanical and Nutritional Influences on Neurological RemodelingNeurological Health, Mental Health20ME14Video
Mary Bove, NDCultivating Skin Microbiome Radiance with BotanicalsSkin20ME13Video
Kenneth Proefrock, NMDRevisiting the Many Faces of Testosterone: How Botanicals Play a Significant Regulatory RoleMen's Health20ME12Video
Robin McGeeSweet Medicine: Herbal-infused Honeys and Herbal Syrups (Demonstration)Medicine Making20ME11Video
Mary Bove, NDAddressing Immune Health through the Ages: Infants to SeniorsImmunity20ME10Video
Jennifer Williams, DACM, LAcSubstance Addiction and Recovery: Herbal Strategies for Emotional and Physical PainSubstance Use Disorder20ME09Video
Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAcEssential Oil Therapeutics: Internal Uses for Clinic and HomeHerbalism20ME08Video
Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG)Chronic Skin Conditions: Case Review of Seborrheic DermatitisSkin20ME07Video
Marc Williams, MAThe Ethnobotany of the African DiasporaMedicinal Plants20ME06Video
David Crow, LAcPrinciples of Combining Herbs and Essential Oils Part 3: Strengthening and Energizing the Nervous System (Antidepressant Effects, Protection against Neurodegenerative Conditions, Supporting Cognitive Function and Enhancing Concentration)Herbalism20ME05Video
David Crow, LAcPrinciples of Combining Herbs and Essential Oils Part 2: Relaxing the Nervous System (Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Tension Headaches and Chronic Adrenal Overstimulation)Herbalism20ME04Video
David Crow, LAcPrinciples of Combining Herbs and Essential Oils Part 1: Musculoskeletal Conditions (Arthritic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Injuries, Muscle Spasm)Herbalism20ME03Video
Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG)Rubefacient and Vulnerary Botanicals for a Complicated CaseHerbalism20ME02Video
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)Botanical Strategies for Pelvic Pain and EndometriosisWomen's Health20ME01Video

Thank you to everyone who has attended our conferences! Here’s what a few of you had to say:

Thank you so much for a great webinar. So good to connect with so many even if in cyberspace! Loved all the presentations.” — D.W., Naturopathic Physician

It has been such a great, great conference. I loved watching lectures I normally would not have invested time in-but could because of time at home and access. It made my COVID isolation brighter and happier. You and your team and the presenters really made a difference in a lot of our lives.” — J.K., Licensed Acupuncturist

Thank you for the best conference to date. Speakers were knowledgeable with great slides.— K.C., Naturopathic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist

I have told so many people about this conference and I’m a nurse practitioner and I tell them this is like the best conference I have ever been too!” — L.C., Nurse Practitioner

Browse all available videos by list:

2024 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

2024 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

2023 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

2023 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

2022 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

2022 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

2021 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

2021 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

2020 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

2020 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

Continuing Education Bundles / Video Series:

Summer Video Series for Continuing Education

We invite you to join us for the Summer Video Series for Continuing Education, a new 6-video series offering continuing education for naturopathic physicians and nurses. Learn about topics including microbiome health, the nervous system, mental health, neuroplasticity, women’s health and cellular repair.2020 Summer Video Series - Graphic for Streaming Videos

This series was aired live from July-September 2020, and now you can access the recordings to earn continuing education on your own schedule at your own pace!

  • Location: Watch from the comfort of your home
  • Dates: 8-weeks of access to streaming video lectures; watch on your own schedule
  • Six 2-hour streaming sessions on Zoom, including speaker lecture and Q&A
  • Continuing Education available for Nurses and Naturopathic Physicians
    • NDsApproved for up to 12 general hours of which 3 can be pharmacy (OBNM); each session is 2 hours credits
    • Nurses: Approved for up to 7.5 nursing contact hours; each session is 1.5 contact hours (NCNA)
  • Cost: $30 per session or a package deal of $99 for all 6 sessions!

Check out the full details on the Summer Video Series for Continuing Education here.

Speakers: Mary Bove, ND, David Crow, LAc, Jason Miller, DACM, LAc, Kenneth Proefrock, ND, Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)

2020 Summer Series Speaker Lineup

Sleep Management for Clinicians

sleep management, valerian root

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) audio lectures (1.5 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (62-page PDF)
  • Order with one click for $55 ($70 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Details: These six audio recordings offer a wealth of clinical information for restoring healthy sleep patterns. Beginning with the cytokine connection to insomnia in which Mary Bove, ND discusses how modulating specific pro-inflammatory cytokines can provide relief for sleep disruption, this series continues with a description of the healing and anti-aging powers of sleep with Christopher Hobbs, PhD and Mary Rondeau, ND. Tori Hudson, ND discusses the pandemic of insomnia and anxiety in midlife women and how to provide relief from this “fearsome twosome.” The series is rounded out by two comprehensive presentations, one by David Winston, RH (AHG) on botanical and nutritional treatments for insomnia (determining the right herbs and nutrients for the right person), and one by Kenneth Proefrock, ND on the cycles of sleeping and dreaming and their importance for overall health. Series includes a digital book of lecture notes with complete references (62-page PDF). Continue reading

Thyroid Management for Clinicians

Thyroid management

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) audio lectures (1.5 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (61 page PDF)
  • Order with one click for $55 ($70 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Details: In this collection of thyroid presentations, Paul Bergner begins with an overview of thyroid physiology, ideal hormone balance and nutrients for the thyroid. Jason Miller’s lecture looks at the endocrine network through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine, and nutrients, botanicals and iodine for treatment. Mary Bove’s presentation centers on thyroid and women’s health, and Jill Stansbury investigates the research showing the connection between the thyroid and the reproductive system.

Kenneth Proefrock speaks about his clinical experience treating both hypo and hyperthyroid disorders, including the increasing incidence of Graves’ disease in the pediatric population. David Winston wraps it up with an extensive review of botanicals for common thyroid conditions. (See more detailed descriptions below.) Includes a digital book of lecture notes with complete references (61-page PDF). Continue reading

Arizona NDs: CME for Opioid/Addiction Requirement

SW Conference Field Study

We have several presentations approved for the opioid/addiction continuing education requirement for Arizona Naturopathic Doctors.

Approved by the Sonaran University of Health Sciences (SUHS) continuing education committee for opioid/addiction CE.

Video Series: Substance Use Disorder Video Series

  • Provides 9 opioid/addiction + 1.5 pharmacy + 1.5 general hours of continuing education

Individual Video Recordings:

Audio Recordings:

Instructions for Distance Learning:

Purchase recordings online by clicking their links above, save your receipt, keep a record of CME credits earned on this certificate. It’s as easy as that! View or print CME instructions

Please contact us with any questions about naturopathic CE.

Gastrointestinal Health Series for the Clinician

Gastrointestinal health herbal medicine

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Nine (9) audio lectures (1.5 – 2 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (137 page PDF)
  • Order with one click for $75 ($105 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Details: These nine audio recordings offer a wealth of advanced clinical information on the relationship of the gastrointestinal system to physical and mental health. Presented by experienced practitioners, the series covers botanicals for basic gut health and a review of herbal and nutritional gastroenterology. The first four recordings listed below include clinical recommendations for healing the gut-brain axis with botanicals, treating intestinal permeability and managing small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). The final two recordings present the latest information on the vagus nerve and the brain’s effect on the gut and overall immunity. (See more detailed descriptions below.) Includes a digital book of lecture notes with complete references (137-page pdf). Continue reading

Pain and Inflammation Education for Clinicians

Pain and Inflammation series

Pain and Inflammation series

An audio series for health care providers –  bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Eight (8) audio lectures (1.5 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (90 page PDF)
  • Order with one click for $65 ($90 value)

Continuing education for naturopathic physicians
Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Details: These eight audio recordings offer the clinician valuable information to help reduce opioid use, over-use and addiction. Presented by experienced practitioners, they address botanical therapies for dampening the inflammatory response and managing types of pain (i.e. neuralgia, acute renal colic, vascular pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis and radiation-induced oral mucositis). Features up-to-date information on the uses of cannabis for pain management and discusses the underlying causes of chronic pain syndrome. Includes digital book of lecture notes with complete references (85 page PDF). Continue reading

Prevention of Cognitive Decline as we Age

cognitive decline ginko

This is a summary of the panel discussion at the 2018 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine with Chanchal Cabrera, RH(AHG), Katie Stage, ND, RH(AHG) and Jill Stansbury, ND, in which they addressed cognitive decline and dementia. In this wide-ranging discussion they covered botanicals and nutritional therapies for prevention, and evaluated the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals. Continue reading

Medical Marijuana Education for Clinicians

Medical Marijuana education

Cannabis Therapeutics

An audio series for health care providers –  bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) audio lectures
  • Digital book of notes (50 page PDF)
  • Order with one click for $55 ($70 value)

Details: These six audio recordings offer the clinician detailed information on prescribing Medical Marijuana, the most appropriate delivery system for specific conditions, possible side effects and interactions. Includes complete references. Features up-to-date information on medicinal uses of Cannabis for pain, cancer, mental health conditions, sleep and more. Includes digital book of lecture notes (50 page PDF).

Naturopathic CE: If CME has not previously been earned for the below lectures (either in person or distance) you can earn 3.5 general and 6.5 pharmacy credits. See more Continuing Education details.

CannabisRecordings included in this series:

Therapeutic Uses of the Cannabinoids and Other Cannabis Compounds, Part 1

Kenneth Proefrock presents his clinical experience using Cannabis therapeutically for a wide range of conditions from seizures, restless leg syndrome and insomnia, to cancer, MS, Parkinsons and chronic pain. Detailed usage information includes prescribing Medical Marijuana as an internal agent, a vapor, as food and in topical applications for pain. Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, ND. (Product Code: 15SW01)

Therapeutic Uses of the Cannabinoids and Other Cannabis Compounds, Part 2

Continued from Part 1, Kenneth Proefrock continues presenting his clinical experience using Cannabis therapeutically for a wide range of conditions from seizures, restless leg syndrome and insomnia, to cancer, MS, Parkinsons and chronic pain. Includes some of the more interesting research on the variability of constituents with different cultivation techniques and cross-reactions with other therapeutic agents. Reviews laws surrounding medical uses with an emphasis on Arizona. Kenneth Proefrock, ND. (Product Code: 15SW02)

Use of Cannabis Compounds for Health and Disease Treatment: A Science-Based Review

Reviews over 250 clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of Medical Marijuana use for glaucoma, HIV/AIDs, opiate addiction, nausea, cancer-related cachexia, muscle spasms, epilepsy, pain, autoimmune diseases and inflammation. The benefits and drawbacks of different delivery systems, different solvents for extraction and vaporizers are discussed. Clinically relevant details on the chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, are summarized. Speaker: Christopher Hobbs, PhD. (Product Code: 18SW03)

The Influence of Cannabis on the Psyche

Reports in both the biomedical literature and from patients suggest that there are beneficial effects of Medical Cannabis on various psychological conditions. Conversely, there are reports of detrimental influences of Cannabis on mental health, including addiction. This lecture discusses both sides and shines a light on a topic that will increasingly be discussed in healthcare provider forums and the press. Speaker: Kevin Spelman, PhD. (Product Code: 15ME30)

tetrahydrocannabinolCannabis and Cancer: Sifting the Science

The use of Medical Marijuana to treat issues such as cancer pain or chemo-induced nausea and vomiting is well established. However, there is also widespread patient interest in Medical Cannabis as a direct anticancer agent. This session reviews how cancer involves the endocannabinoid system, and presents data on the anticancer properties of Cannabis both in terms of cancer pathophysiology & molecular biology, as well as its effects on specific malignancies. Speaker: Jonathan Treasure, MNIMH. (Product Code: 17SW25)

Cannabis as an Alternative to Opioids, Benzodiazepines, NSAIDs and other Drugs

While these drugs can have unintended side effects, the use of Medical Marijuana as a substitute should be carefully evaluated for efficacy, adverse reactions and best use for either weaning patients from a drug or using it in conjunction to reduce drug dosage and negative effects. In a fair comparison, Medical Marijuana may be better, but a user may also develop tolerance, loss of effect, and side effects from Marijuana. Examine all sides of this topic with three experienced clinicians. Panelists: Paul Bergner, Jonathan Treasure and Kenneth Proefrock. (Product Code: 17SW17)

Plus, the Series Lecture Notes for Cannabis Therapeutics, in PDF format.

Order the complete Medical Marijuana package »

2016 Herbal Conferences

herbal conference blue ridge black mountain

Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium, 2016
Dates: Friday June 3 – Monday, June 6
Place: Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain, North Carolina

Over 40 presentations on the integration of botanicals with the latest medical discoveries along with medicine making demonstrations, herb walks and intensives.

Pre-conference Events: Friday, June 3:

Ethnobotanical and Native Plant Field Study with herbalist and ethnobotanist David Winston.

Healing the Gut-Brain Axis with Botanicals with Jason Miller, Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Full topic listing

Continuing education at Medicines from the Earth approved for nurses, naturopathic physicians, acupuncturists and pharmacists licensed in North Carolina.. All approvals now definite.

Looking forward to seeing you again in the mountains of North Carolina!

CrossCutchollasmallSouthwest Conference on Botanical Medicine, 2016   (Past Event – Thanks for making it such a great weekend! )
Dates: Friday April 8 – Sunday, April 10, 2016 

Recordings: Now available for download. Purchase full set of audio (mp3) recordings and speaker lecture notes in pdf.

Continuing education approved for recordings for NDs including 10 pharmacy hours.

Photo report on the conference on Facebook

We look forward to seeing you all again next year (April 7 – 9, 2017).

We hope you will join us for an herbal conference! These events are a great way to meet like-minded people and learn the latest information on botanical therapies for a variety of conditions.

Questions? Email us and we’ll be happy to help.

Herbal Educational Services
Ashland, Oregon
(541) 482-3016


Christopher Hobbs, PhD at Medicines from the Earth

herbalist Chris Hobbs in fieldChristopher Hobbs
is a fourth-generation internationally known herbalist, licensed acupuncturist, author, clinician, botanist, mycologist and research scientist with over 35 years of experience with herbal medicine. Here he talks about his intensive at Medicines from the Earth on June 5 titled “Treating Infections with Natural Medicines—An Integrative and Cross-Cultural Approach”

Please tell us about your family heritage in botany.
My dad was a professor of botany and entomology and I still remember riding or walking with him when I was very young and being interested in flowers and plants. I’d ask the names of trees, shrubs and weeds and he would always know the name and some interesting things about them. Lucky for me, because I developed a life-long hyper-fixation on plants myself.

My maternal grandmother and great-grandmother were herbalists. My grandmother studied with a Chinese herbalist and had her own organic herb garden from which she treated people in her community. It’s interesting that so many years later I would receive training in traditional Chinese medicine, receive my acupuncture license, and study herbal medicine in China.

We are looking forward to your intensive entitled “Treating Infections with Natural Medicine—An Integrative and Cross-Cultural Approach” This seems to imply an energetic model of diagnosing and prescribing for infection—can you elaborate?
My practice and teaching style today is always a combination of traditional medicine, my own clinical and personal experience, the counsel and teachings of my peers, and the 10-year science training I completed in 2014. Although I am a scientist, I believe that healing between plants and people results from something greater than just the biological activity of herbs. Something indefinable and hard to measure occurs: a life-force that comes from the relationship between the growing and living plant, the soil and it’s microbes, its complex chemistry, the water, the sunlight, and the atmosphere, which all combine to work for healing on the highest level of intelligence. Continue reading

Chanchal Cabrera and Biophilia

Chanchal Cabrera
Chanchal Cabrera

Medicines from the Earth News: Chanchal Cabrera’s Biophilia Intensive

Speaker Chanchal Cabrera is a medical herbalist practicing on Vancouver Island, Canada. She lives at Innisfree Farm, a 7-acre botanical reserve and herb farm she and her husband Thierry Vrain created over the last ten years.

Linnea Wardwell spoke with Chanchal last week to find out more about biophilia, the instinctive bond humans have for all other life forms on the planet. It shapes her recent work on the farm, and is also the subject of the intensive workshop on Saturday afternoon at the symposium.

LW: Whenever we have a chance to chat, it seems there are new initiatives in your practice and farm activities. We’d like to find out what’s going on recently.

CC: Oh, that is a big question! I am always busy and always dreaming and scheming for the next opportunity to spread the word about herbal medicine.

Herb GatheringSince my 4 months of training at Kew Gardens in 2013 and 2014, the farm has been listed on the international register of botanic gardens, one of 7 registered gardens in BC. Our specialty is medicine and food plants but we are also offering more and more education as well. We are running workshops, hosting events and teaching classes. Last year the 2nd biennial Vancouver Island Herb Gathering at Innisfree Farm had 270 people attend over 4 days. Next one is June 2017!

On top of that, I am still running the botanical medicine department at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in Vancouver, as well, so plenty to keep me busy.

LW: You’ve been a practicing medical herbalist since 1987 and were made a Fellow by the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (the United Kingdom’s leading professional body representing herbal practitioners) in 2009. What is the main focus of your clinical practice?
Continue reading

SCNM – A great place to hold an herbal conference

The Commons at SCNM. New sustainably built classroom and clinic building
Herb Garden
SCNM Herb Garden in full bloom (See more photos below)

Back in 1996, the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) occupied a small building in Scottsdale. The school had recently opened its doors and the first Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine was held that April. We had an enthusiastic crowd of naturopathic students, health professionals, local herbalists and volunteers. Some of you may remember that first panel discussion on Saturday night, under the stars in the inner courtyard–since there was no central meeting hall large enough!

SCNM has since moved to Tempe, and is now one of the top schools in the US for training naturopathic physicians.  It is also one of the first colleges in the country to qualify for LEED certification, a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. The herbal conference is an annual event here, and the profits help support the botanical medicine program at the school.

The two photos above illustrate why SCNM is such a special place: the commitment to the environment through sustainable… Continue reading

Past Conferences

herbal education

Recordings and Books available from past Herbal Conferences:

Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine 2019
Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium 2019

Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine 2018
Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium 2018

Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine 2017
Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium 2017

Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine 2016
Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium 2016

Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine, 2015
Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium, 2015

For more herbal education resources, browse our audio and book library.