Laying on Leaves: The Science and Art of Herbal Poulticing

Comfrey leaves

November’s Featured Recording:
Laying on Leaves: The Science and Art of Herbal Poulticing with Richo Cech

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Constitutional Herbal Approach to Anxiety

St. John's Wort

In an ever-changing world it can become a challenge to find our center. Each of us engages with our innate stress response differently, therefore creating many versions of what we term collectively as ‘anxiety’. Anxiety disorders are classified by DSM-V criteria, and categorized by experiencing excessive worry more days than not, restlessness, easy fatigue, difficulty with concentration, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disturbance all with difficulty in controlling any of these symptoms9. Anxiety disorders are often experienced uniquely by the individual with some symptoms remaining constant, others transient and some not present at all. Collectively containing the experience of anxiety into a single set of symptoms is limiting and does not offer a true reflection of the individual process. Ultimately, this may lead to ineffective treatment or improper use of SSRI’s, benzodiazepines and other conventional medications used to treat anxiety disorders simply from a viewpoint of central nervous system sedation. Continue reading

Botanical Strategies for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis

July’s Featured Recording:
Botanical Strategies for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis with Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)

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Medicinal Uses of Salvia Miltiorrhiza (Dan Shen)


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Retraining the Mighty Mast Cells: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance Revisited

rose hips

This article is a part 2 to expand on additional interventions in mast cell regulation. If you didn’t read the original article, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome & Histamine Intolerance: An Herbal Approach discusses different types of mast cell activation syndromes and histamine-related issues. Furthermore, this discussion relates to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and histamine-related symptoms and not mastocytosis. For ease of use, the term “mast cell issues” is used to relate to these conditions throughout the article.

The Mighty Mast Cell Continue reading

Types of Pain and Herbal Management Tools

dried peppers capsaicin

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Environmental Illness Audio Series

Mediterranean salad

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) audio recordings (1.5 – 2.0 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (110-page PDF)
  • Continuing education credits: 10 hours for naturopathic physicians
  • Order with one-click for $55 ($85 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner. Continue reading

Botanical Approaches to Manage Chronic Stress


Stress can be rewarding and even pleasant in response to positive stimuli, encouraging intellectual and emotional growth and development. Most often, when we discuss being “stressed out” in a modern context, it is in reference to negative physical or psychological stimuli and an unpleasant reaction. Stress is generally defined as a state of disharmony (allostasis) and is counteracted by physiological and behavioral responses which aim to reestablish homeostasis via the adaptive stress response.1

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Video Series for Clinicians: Mental Health

Video Series for Clinicians: Mental Health

A video series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) video lectures (1.5 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (83-page PDF)
  • Continuing education credits for naturopathic physicians
  • Order with one click for $89 ($135 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

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Preview: Restoring Mitochondrial Function through Botanicals and other Naturopathic Therapies

Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)Presenter: Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)

Summary: Mitochondrial dysfunction is characterized by the reduction of energy output from the electron transport chain. Research confirms that reduced mitochondrial function is associated with nearly all chronic conditions, including neurodegenerative, psychiatric, cardiovascular, metabolic, autoimmune, cancer, chronic immune disorders and musculoskeletal. This lecture covers symptoms that are suggestive of mitochondrial concerns and testing methods to determine treatment strategies. These include botanicals specific to organ systems, nutrients and nutritional protocols to increase efficiency and restore function to mitochondria.

Excerpt from the Medicines from the Earth Symposium June 4 – 7, 2021.

Join Doug Elliott at Herb Mountain Farm

Doug Elliot, herbalist, naturalist

Join Doug Elliott at Herb Mountain Farm in Weaversville, NC on Saturday 6/5 for a one-of-a-kind herb walk for Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium! This beloved herbalist, author, and storyteller will delight and amaze you with his practical, scientific and cultural knowledge of many useful wild plants.

As a naturalist, herbalist and storyteller, Doug Elliot knows ancient plant lore, plant riddles and even sings songs about weeds and berries. His lively, informative plant walks and storytelling sessions create special memories for attendees of the Medicines from the Earth Symposium.

Doug Elliott is a naturalist, herbalist, storyteller, basket maker, philosopher, and harmonica wizard who has performed at festivals, museums and schools from Canada to the Caribbean. He has been a featured storyteller at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN and has conducted workshops and programs at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto and the Smithsonian Institution. He has trained rangers for the National Park Service and guided people on wilderness experiences from Down-east Maine to the Florida Everglades. He was named harmonica champion at Fiddler’s Grove Festival in N.C.

Doug regularly writes articles for regional and national magazines. He has authored five books, produced a number of award winning recordings of stories and songs, and is occasionally seen on PBS-TV and the History Channel.

Whether he’s singing about catfish, pontificating on possums, extolling the virtues of dandelions, cawing with crows, pondering the “nature” in human nature, telling wild snake tales or wailing out a jivey harmonica tune, storyteller, Doug Elliott will take you on an unforgettable, multifaceted cultural tour celebrating North America’s back country. He performs a lively concert of amazing tales, lively tunes, traditional lore, outrageous personal narratives, and fact stranger than fiction. He flavors it all with regional dialects, lively harmonica riffs, and more than a few belly laughs.

For more about Doug, visit his LinkedIn profile.

Register for the herb walk and symposium.

Weight Management Audio Series

weight management series

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Eight (8) audio recordings (1.5 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (99-page PDF)
  • Continuing education credits: 12 hours for naturopathic physicians
  • Order with one click for $65 ($95 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Audio Series Details
(See below for lecture titles and descriptions)

One-click orders all eight recordings selected from the Botanical Medicine library, plus a 99-page PDF of notes. Together these provide comprehensive information for clinicians on one of the most pressing challenges of our age.

We have included eight audio recordings since this is such a large topic, which includes not only dietary measures for weight management and exercise, but mitigating factors often not considered, including allergy, endocrine dysfunction, insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome), stress, lack of sleep, environmental toxicants and the effect of widespread use of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals on the obesity epidemic in the US. Pharmaceuticals for weight loss are mentioned and evaluated.

(Series price of $65 includes a 99-page PDF of lecture notes.)

Naturopathic CE:

  • 12 total CME hours if not claimed previously for the above lectures
  • 11.5 general + .5 pharmacy credits
  • Approved by Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM)
  • Full CE details
PresentationSpeaker(s)General Hours (approved by OBNM) Pharm Hours (approved by OBNM)
Weight Loss Herbs: Help or Hype?Jillian Stansbury, ND1.5
The Intricate Relationship between Food Allergy, Endocrine Imbalance and Inappropriate Weight Gain
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD
Herbal Medicine and Weight ManagementAmanda McQuade Crawford, MA1.5
Natural Weight Management, Part 1Donald Yance, RH (AHG)1.5
Natural Weight Management, Part 2Donald Yance, RH (AHG)1.5
Panel: Naturopathic Approaches to Weight Management and Obesity PreventionLise Alschuler, ND, Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and Marianne Marchese, ND1.0.5
Botanical Therapies for Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome
David Winston, RH (AHG)
Role of Environmental Toxicants in Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome & Type 2 Diabetes
Walter Crinnion, ND

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Naturopathic Approaches to Weight Management and Obesity Prevention

naturopathic approaches to weight management

Working with patients to manage their weight includes prevention of weight gain, control of age-related gains and treatment of obesity. This requires a broad understanding of many factors, including insulin resistance, environmental toxicants, the gut microbiome and the effect of pharmaceuticals on weight gain. Panelists at the 2021 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine, naturopathic physicians Marianne Marchese, Katie Stage, and Lise Alschuler, discussed new research, practical naturopathic interventions and specific recommendations for clinical practice. A synopsis of each presentation follows.

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Healthy Aging Audio Series

ginseng for healthy aging

An audio series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) audio recordings (1.5 – 2 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (128-page PDF)
  • Continuing education credits for naturopathic physicians
  • Order with one click for $55 ($75 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Audio Series Details
(See below for lecture titles and descriptions)

One click orders all six recordings selected from the Botanical Medicine library, plus a 128-page PDF of notes. Together these provide comprehensive information on healthy aging.

This series begins with understanding the biological aging process in Part 1 of the lecture given by Donald Yance, RH (AHG) and continues in Part 2 with a discussion of botanicals, nutrients and lifestyle recommendations to support and restore health as we age.

Next, Lise Alschuler, ND presents a detailed overview of the consequences of a maladaptive stress response, which manifests as elevated cortisol levels, altered circadian rhythms and an increase in inflammatory cytokines. She explains how the neurological, cardiovascular, endocrine, immunological and gastrointestinal effects of stress can be managed and even reversed with botanicals and diet.

Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc provides a review of the latest scientific data on the factors leading to aging, and herbs, both from Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, shown to address these specific factors. And in a fitting wrap-up to this topic, Jill Stansbury, ND lays out the impact of diet on aging and provides tonics, teas, and smoothies that can easily be included in daily dietary routines.

(Series price of $55 includes an 128-page PDF of lecture notes.)

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Video Series for Clinicians: Building Immunity

building immunity

A video series for health care providers – with continuing education for naturopathic physicians – bundled together in one discounted package:

  • Six (6) video lectures (1.5 hours each)
  • Digital book of notes (89-page PDF)
  • Continuing education credits for naturopathic physicians
  • Order with one click for $89 ($135 value)

Note: The information in this series is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.

Video Series Details
(See below for titles and descriptions of videos)

One click orders all six videos selected from the 2020 conference season (4 videos from Medicines from the Earth and 2 from the Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine), plus an 89-page pdf of notes. Together these provide comprehensive information on the clinical management of immune conditions.

The series begins with an overview of immunity from childhood to the elder years, followed by a more detailed look at the lymph system and the role it plays in immunology.

Specific immune challenges are then addressed, including the influence of estrogen on autoimmunity, managing acute viral respiratory infection, a panel discussion on immune-centered illness and, finally, the latest research on managing COVID-19. (This was recorded in March 2020, just as the pandemic was spreading, so the speaker, Donald Yance, provided an update in August 2020 featuring all the latest research findings. The updated article link is included in the pdf of lecture notes for the series).

Video presentations offer complete clinical information, with the speaker and the PowerPoint playing together in an ideal format for online learning.

(Series price of $89 includes an 89-page PDF of lecture notes.)

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