2025 Herbal Conferences

Exciting developments are underway for the 2025 herbal conferences! We’re busy crafting an extraordinary experience and can’t wait to reveal all the exciting details soon.

Stay tuned for updates as they unfold, and don’t forget to join our email list to be the first to know the latest news!


Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

Dates: March 28 – 30, 2025

Location: Online lectures and panels, plus 6 months access to videos, and audio / digital book of lecture notes to own

Intensive: Phytotherapy for the Respiratory System – Roots, Research and Clinical Relevance with Kristin Gilmour, BHSc (Naturopathy) and Julianne Grant, BHSc (Naturopathy), BApSc (HM)

Continuing Education: Applications to be submitted to OBNM, SUHS, AAFP and NCCAOM for continuing education for ND, MD, DO, RN, FNP, LAc, etc.

Speaker List (not yet finalized): Paul Bergner; Kristin Gilmour; Julianne Grant; Christopher Hobbs; Lori Harger; Jack Lambert; Brigitte Mars; Kenneth Proefrock; Brianna Piché; Mary Rondeau; Katie Stage; Jillian Stansbury; Lucretia VanDyke; Allison Williams, and David Winston

Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

Dates: May 16 – 18, 2025

Location: Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, North Carolina

Intensive with Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP (title TBA; topic: women’s health)

Keynote with Kiva Rose (title/topic TBA)

Continuing Education: Applications to be submitted to OBNM, AAFP and NCCAOM for continuing education for ND, MD, DO, RN, FNP, APRN, LAc, etc.

Speaker List (not yet finalized): Lise Alschuler; Mary Bove; Sam Coffman; Doug and Todd Elliot; Tesia Love; Jim McDonald; Kenneth Proefrock; Kiva Rose; Mary Rondeau; Katie Stage; Wendy Warner; and David Winston

Note regarding location: It is too early for Blue Ridge to know when they will reopen after the storm damage from Hurricane Helene, and we hope they will be up and running by May. We are committed to having an in person event — the need to gather together is greater than it ever has been! Check back for updates. 


The highlight of the event is the diversity of the attendees all coming together to explore herbalism – from science focus all the way to practical applications. Love it!

– 2024 attendee, Registered Nurse