Welcome to the Medicines from the Earth virtual symposium with video streaming starting June 4, 2021
Attendee Page Directory
Your registration includes:
- Access to all videos for one year (plus the intensive if registered for it)
- Herb walks at Herb Mountain Farm in Weaverville, NC for local residents
- Digital lecture notes and PowerPoints in PDF format to own
- Full set of audio recordings to own
- Continuing education – $29 fee. Add it to your registration here
Don’t forget to visit our sponsor and educational partners to see their websites, social media, and special discounts just for attendees!
Pre-Conference Events on Friday, June 4
Sign up in advance for these to ensure your place
Online Live Pre-Conference Intensive with Jason Miller, DACM, LAc

Title: Targeting the Biological Terrain in Collaborative Oncology: Correlating Modern Biomarkers with Traditional Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment
Date: Friday, 6/4/21
Time: 1 – 5 PM Eastern Time
Cost: $89
Open: Only to registered symposium participants.
Description: This intensive focuses on correlating modern biomarkers with botanical medicine principles of diagnosis and treatment. We dig into the ecological manifestations of cancer in our bodies, how to identify them, how to address them with botanical medicine, nutrition, diet and lifestyle, and how to weave these therapies with modern oncological treatments.
Continuing Education:
- Approved for 4 hours for acupuncturists (NCCAOM)
- Approved for 4 hours for MDs, DOs, etc. (AAFP)
- Approved for 4 hours for NDs (AAFP and OBNM)
Add it to your registration here (you’ll need your registration number from your registration receipt).
These events are open to a small number of local participants and will take place near Asheville, NC, safety guidelines permitting.
In-person All Day Field Study
Appalachian Botanicals: Botany and Medicinal Applications
(Herb Mountain Farm in Weaverville, NC) with Marc Williams, Ethnobotanist

Date: Friday, 6/4/21
Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
Cost: $79
Open only to registered symposium participants, 35 person limit.
Description: A well-traveled and experienced ethnobotanist, Marc Williams shares his knowledge of sustainable Appalachian plant harvest and uses, with an emphasis on how we can all become stewards of our medicinal plant heritage.
Continuing Education not available for live events this year.
In-person Herb Walk with Doug Elliott
Open only to symposium registrants, no extra cost. Advance reservation required when registering (or add it here using your registration number from your original receipt)

Dates and Times: Saturday, June 5, 2:30 – 4 PM
Location: Herb Mountain Farm in Weaverville, NC (about 25 minutes from Asheville)
Open only to symposium participants (no extra cost). Pre-registration required. Limit 20 so sign up early!
Description: Whether he’s pointing out poison ivy, pontificating on poke sallet, crooning about creasy greens, jiving about ginseng, or extolling the virtues of dandelions, this beloved herbalist, author, and storyteller will delight and amaze you with his broad, practical, scientific and cultural knowledge of the area’s many useful wild plants.
Advanced registration required to attend even though there is no charge.
Live Online Sessions — Friday, June 4
All live sessions will take place on Zoom and be recorded to watch afterward for those who can’t attend live. If you have never used Zoom before, you can download it free here. You can watch a brief tutorial video on how to use Zoom here.
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM, Eastern Time
Vaporizer Technologies: Safety Considerations and a Mechanism for the Delivery of Botanical Medicines
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD
Note: This session was a special addition to maximize live acupuncture hours.
The first commercially viable ‘e-cigarette’ ushered in a whole new industry when it was patented and brought to market in 2003. Over the past 17 years, we have witnessed an explosion of companies with devices that promise a less toxic way to deliver nicotine and cannabinoids to consumers than traditional smoking. As the technology of this industry has evolved we have witnessed controversy and new safety concerns about the additives used for delivery, coloring, flavoring and stabilizing these products, we have also witnessed an increase in potentially addictive activity in younger people.
‘Vaping’ has become so commonplace that it has become a source of friction between parents and their children, schools and their students, even workers in their workplaces. The commonly held idea is that the second-hand ’smoke’ from these devices is harmless and non-toxic, however, that may depend on the individual and the product being used. There have been some notable public health crises related to vaping that are useful to consider, as well as some of the regulatory attempts by the FDA that reflect their thinking on how best to regulate this industry. Amidst all of this controversy, vaping has become an increasingly popular pursuit that is not likely to go away anytime soon.
10:30 AM – Noon, Eastern Time
Restoring Mitochondrial Function through Botanicals and other Naturopathic Therapies
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)
Note: This session is a special addition to maximize live acupuncture hours.
Mitochondrial dysfunction is characterized by the reduction of energy output from the electron transport chain. Research confirms that reduced mitochondrial function is associated with nearly all chronic conditions, including neurodegenerative, psychiatric, cardiovascular, metabolic, autoimmune, cancer, chronic immune disorders and musculoskeletal. This lecture covers symptoms that are suggestive of mitochondrial concerns and testing methods to determine treatment strategies. These include botanicals specific to organ systems, nutrients and nutritional protocols to increase efficiency and restore function to mitochondria.
Live Sessions Online — Saturday, June 5
10:30 – 12:00 PM, Eastern Time
Effective Pain Relief with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine
David Winston, RH (AHG)
The search for effective, safe and non-addictive pain medication is an age-old quest. Studies show many people, especially the elderly, the poor, people of color and women are undertreated for chronic pain. While herbs are not as powerful as opiates and other pharmaceutical medications, they can offer safer and often highly effective pain management. In this talk we discuss how specific herbs can relieve specific types of pain, how to combine herbs to create a synergistic effect and reduce inflammation, pain perception and spasm and how botanicals can enhance the effects of pharmaceutical pain medications.
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Eastern Time
Panel: Managing Symptoms of Hormonal Disruption with Botanical Medicine
Panelists: Jill Stansbury, ND, Jill Crista, ND, and Kenneth Proefrock, NMD
This panel’s focus is on endocrine disruptors in the environment. What does that mean, what compounds are endocrine disruptors, how can we avoid them, how do we get them out of the body once we are exposed? Do foods, herbs, legumes, fiber protect against environmental agents?
NOTE: Priority One Vitamins representatives will be available for questions via Zoom from 2:00 – 2:30 Eastern Time on Saturday. You can access their Zoom room here.
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Eastern Time
Botanical Medicine Targeting Cancer Stem Cells
Donald Yance, RH (AHG)
Cancer stem cells are a subpopulation of cancer cells that reside underneath the surface. It is like the root system of the cancer, which is responsible for cancer migration, invasion and chemotherapy resistance. Cancer stem cells also give rise to tumor bulk through continuous self-renewal and differentiation. Understanding stem cell signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms is essential for developing botanical and nutritional therapies. The research shows the unique and very promising effect of these therapies, which target specific cancer signaling pathways responsible for chemotherapy resistance, alterations of cellular metabolism and impaired apoptosis. We highlight numerous natural compounds including curcumin, diallyl trisulfide, chrysin, resveratrol, Acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid, Bacoside A apigenin, quercetin, ellagic acid, honokiol, epigallocatechin, and sulforaphane.
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, Eastern Time
Keynote Panel: Honoring Our Teachers – Stories from the Early Years of Modern Herbalism
Speakers: Deborah Frances, ND, Kat Maier, RH (AHG) and Mary Bove, ND
What brought you to the path of healing with botanical medicine? Remember your own stories when you hear three speakers talk about the beginning days of their life path and who and what inspired them on the way. How do we use this information to navigate the future of herbalism?
Live Online Sessions — Sunday, June 6
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Eastern Time
Conquering Toxic Mold Exposure
Jill Crista, ND
Climate change and building practices have created the perfect storm for indoor mold blooms. Unfortunately, few agencies responsible for defining mold-related illness recognize the deleterious health impacts from mold mycotoxins. Therefore, many cases of mold illness are misidentified, and the cause goes untreated, resulting in needless suffering. I’m on a mission to raise medical literacy about mold and mold-related illness. In my experience, natural medicine holds the key to conquering this problem.
In this presentation, we will define mold illness and the mechanisms for creating illness, identify the symptoms of mold illness, including a useful clinical questionnaire and discuss lab testing options and limitations. Learn naturopathic approaches to treatment including foods, beverages and supplements that help and hinder including treatise on bile, binders, and cholagogues. Presentation will also help attendees identify select tools to protect and repair from mold mycotoxin exposure, and explore both systemic and intranasal antifungal treatment. Botanicals covered include aloe, green tea, milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke, holy basil, thyme and more.
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Eastern Time
Panel: Restoring Mental Health in the 21st Century: Managing Chronic Overwhelm
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG), Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and David Winston, RH (AHG)
Those patients who tend to be overwhelmed by life events have been especially challenged this past year with political, social and environmental difficulties at every turn. These events have driven more people into a state of being chronically overwhelmed. What do we recommend to restore equilibrium in these times, both for ourselves as practitioners and our patients? Discover lifestyle, botanical and nutritional therapies you may not have yet considered.
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, Eastern Time
Cannabis in Medicine: Applications and Limitations
Jason Miller, DACM, LAc
Emerging research on cannabis corroborates its use for pain, nausea, PTSD and other mental health conditions, but it has to be used with care and knowledge. Cannabis also has an addiction profile similar to alcohol and with widespread legalization these side effects are becoming better-known. Explore these applications and limitations with an experienced practitioner with a common-sense approach.
NOTE: Priority One Vitamins representatives will be available for questions via Zoom from 4:00 – 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Sunday. You can access their Zoom room here.
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM, Eastern Time
The Chemistry of Flavors: Expanding our Palette and Increasing our Neural Connections (Demonstration with audience participation)
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD
Taste brings in at least eight categories of specific sensory experience: sour, sweet, salty, bitter, savory, pungent, spicy and astringent, with an additional component of texture and mouth-feel. Expanding the dietary/flavor palette provides new and interesting input to our palate and, it turns out, has a stimulating effect on the genesis of neural connections in our nervous system and a dramatic effect on our memory. Here we provide a context for expanding one’s palate and calibrating that experience in a meaningful way that is specific to healing and botanical medicine.
Kenneth has provided a list of herbs and spices he’ll describe. While it’s not required to go out and purchase all these, it will add to the experience to have these items on hand and as we discuss the constituents, we can taste and smell the physical material and begin to glean the subtleties of flavor.
The specific items we will discuss and sample:
Cayenne and Paprika (a smoky paprika is even better)
Cumin seed
Live Online Sessions — Monday, June 7
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Eastern Time
Botanical Therapies for Childhood Asthma (Recorded video with live Q&A)
Mary Bove, ND
Currently there are over 6 million children in the USA suffering from asthma. Asthma is a common reason for kids missing school and one of the most common chronic health conditions that affect children. Management is key for reducing the occurrence, severity, and frequency of the symptoms along with improving quality of life. Look at botanical, nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle strategies for managing chronic asthma as well as dealing with acute asthmatic events.
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Eastern Time
Clinical Uses of Autumn Crocus (Colchicum atumnale)
Jillian Stansbury, ND
Colchicum is the source of the colchicine alkaloid, well known for quickly reducing inflammation in gouty arthritis. However, Colchicum may have many other uses due to affects on microtubules of the cytoskeleton, affecting mitosis, vesicle trafficking, and cellular structure and dynamics. Despite potential toxicity, long-term use of colchicine is shown to be safe in children, and even in pregnant and nursing women when used in very small amounts to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other collagen vascular diseases. This presentation will review the history of the alkaloid as well as current research on the plant of conditions other than gout.
Recorded Videos Streaming Online
Recordings of all conference sessions can be found below. Click on any link below and the video will load on Vimeo. The passcode to watch all videos was emailed to registrants. Please search your inbox for access instructions from reg@botanicalmedicine.org if you have not seen that email already.
Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)
1. Trauma-Informed Care: First Aid for Practitioners
2. Home Health Care for Families
3. Panel: Restoring Mental Health in the 21st Century: Managing Chronic Overwhelm
Mary Bove, ND
1. Keynote Panel: Honoring Our Teachers – Stories from the Early Years of Modern Herbalism
2. Botanical Therapies for Childhood Asthma
Jill Crista, ND
1. PANDAS & PANS: Natural Medicine Rescue for Post-Infectious Autoimmune Encephalopathies
2. Panel: Managing Symptoms of Hormonal Disruption with Botanical Medicine
3. Conquering Toxic Mold Exposure
Deborah Frances, ND
1. Pelvic Decongestant Herbs for Clearing and Grounding
2. The Treatment of Intestinal Parasites with Herbs
3. Keynote Panel: Honoring Our Teachers – Stories from the Early Years of Modern Herbalism
Tori Hudson, ND
1. Brain Aging in the Menopausal Woman: Effects on Moods, Memory and Botanical Solutions
Kat Maier, RH (AHG)
1. A Seasonal Model for Working with Depression
2. Deepening Plant Relations – Goethean Study of Nature
3. Keynote Panel: Honoring Our Teachers – Stories from the Early Years of Modern Herbalism
Jason Miller, DACM, LAc
1. Pre-Conference Intensive: Targeting the Biological Terrain in Collaborative Oncology: Correlating Modern Biomarkers with Traditional Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment (requires pre-registration — please use separate password for intensive that was emailed to registrants)
2. Acute Viral Infections: Addressing COVID and Seasonal Epidemic Disease
3. Essence, Hormesis and Autophagy in Aging and Longevity
4. Cannabis in Medicine: Applications and Limitations
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD
1. Naturopathic Formulas and Strategies of the Early 20th Century
2. Vaporizer Technologies: Safety Considerations and a Mechanism for the Delivery of Botanical Medicines
3. Panel: Managing Symptoms of Hormonal Disruption with Botanical Medicine
4. The Chemistry of Flavors: Expanding our Palette and Increasing our Neural Connections
Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG)
1. Restoring Mitochondrial Function through Botanicals and other Naturopathic Therapies
Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG)
1. Hairy Predicaments: Botanicals for Hair Loss and Abnormal Hair Growth
2. Embracing the Change: Botanical and HRT Treatments for Menopause
3. Panel: Restoring Mental Health in the 21st Century: Managing Chronic Overwhelm
Jillian Stansbury, ND
1. Herbs to Improve Adrenergic Tone – Lifting Deep Lethargy and Melancholia
2. Neural Pathways Review
3. Clinical Uses of Autumn Crocus (Colchicum atumnale)
4. Panel: Managing Symptoms of Hormonal Disruption with Botanical Medicine
Marc Williams, MA
1. Temperate Medicinal Plant Biogeography and Conservation
David Winston, RH (AHG)
1. The Zingiberaceae: A Family Worth Knowing
2. Effective Pain Relief with Botanical and Nutritional Medicine
3. Panel: Restoring Mental Health in the 21st Century: Managing Chronic Overwhelm
Donald Yance, RH (AHG)
1. Clinical Applications for Using 13 Heroic and Potentially Toxic Herbs
2. Botanical Medicine Targeting Cancer Stem Cells
Digital Book and Lecture Notes
- Access is available here.
Continuing Education (CE) Forms and Approvals
If you haven’t already, please sign up in advance for the CE program ($29 additional fee). Add it to your registration record by visiting the conference registration page. You will need your registration number from your original receipt.
CE Forms:
Note: Please fill out your forms with CE catalog numbers as you watch the presentations.
- Acupuncture CE form
- Form due by July 5
- Approval from NCCAOM
- ND/MD/RN/etc. CE form
- Form due by August 9
- Approvals from OBNM and AAFP
CE Approvals:
Approved for up to 49 hours Prescribed Credit* for DO, MD, RN, FNP, California NDs and others
The AAFP has reviewed 2021 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium, and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit. Term of approval is from 06/04/2021 to 06/02/2022. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. AAFP approval details
*AMA/AAFP Equivalency:
AAFP Prescribed Credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award.
- Approved for all NDs (including California CNDA) who accept AAFP credits described above
- Approved: Oregon (OBNM): up to 49 general hours of which 11.5 can be pharmacy
- ND approval details
- Approved: NCCAOM: 22 PDA points (hours)
Note: NCCAOM gives credit for only those videos presented live from June 4 – 7. To accommodate this requirement, we will be setting up a special schedule for acupuncturists needing NCCAOM credits, which includes two presentations on Friday morning, June 4, which will not be listed in the regular schedule for other participants. - NCCAOM approval details
- Approved by AAFP (see above) for up to 49 hours CE credit. (AAFP is recognized by the ANCC as a provider of nursing continuing education for RNs, FNPs and other nursing professionals)
- Nursing approval details
A certificate of attendance is available to any participant who requests it.
Cancellations: Before May 12, registration fees will be refunded minus $50 processing per registrant. No refunds can be given after 5/12/21. Refund requests should be emailed to the conference office.
Sponsors and Educational Partners
We are thankful for our sponsors and educational partners who help make these conferences possible. Please browse the sponsor directory to shop and learn more about these trusted herbal community members.
NOTE: Priority One Vitamins representatives will be available for questions via Zoom from 2:00 – 2:30 Eastern Time on Saturday. You can access their Zoom room here.
Sponsor Directory (listed alphabetically):
- American Botanical Council
- American Holistic Nurses Association
- Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
- Biome Research
- Chelsea Green Publishing
- Frontier Co-op
- Genova Diagnostics
- Golden Needle Acupuncture, Herbal & Medical Supply
- Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine
- Herbalist & Alchemist
- Herbal Vitality
- Herb Pharm
- Host Defense
- Lauricidin
- Priority One Vitamins
- Pukka Herbs
- Standard Process
- United Plant Savers
- Vitanica
- Wise Woman Herbals
- Wishgarden Herbs
Website • Facebook • Instagram
Vitanica was created by Dr. Tori Hudson over 26 years ago to address the intricate needs in women’s health. The supplements uphold her strict quality standards as a clinician. The commitment to quality includes optimal dosages, superior choice nutrient sources and clinically scrutinized products for maximal therapeutic benefit and premium grade organic or wildcrafted herbs. Ingredients are selected based on purity, bioactivity, and therapeutic benefit.
Conference Special! 15% off orders placed through the NEW VitanicaPro Online Ordering platform. Simply go to vitanicapro.com, login and submit your order using the code: MFE2021. Payment will be processed separately according to your account details. If you have not yet done so, please use the application link to submit your application for login access. The discount code is valid from June 4-June 11. .
Herb Pharm
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Our mission is to create the highest quality herbal extracts possible. We’re committed to educating people on how to practice safe, effective herbalism. We believe that our work can inspire more love for plants and respect for Nature and it will improve the health, happiness and harmony of the Earth and all its people. Supporting your health since 1979.
Special offer! Take 20% off your order with code MFTES21 at checkout.
American Holistic Nurses Association
Website • Facebook • LinkedIn • Twitter
The AHNA is a specialty nursing association serving over 5,500 nurses and holistic healthcare professionals in the USA and internationally. Our mission is to illuminate holism in nursing practice, community, advocacy, research, and education. Our vision is that Every Nurse Is a Holistic Nurse.
American Botanical Council
Website • Facebook • LinkedIn
The American Botanical Council provides education using science-based and traditional information to promote responsible use of herbal medicine — serving the public, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, industry and media.
Special offer! 20% off all memberships for anyone attending this conference. Select any membership option to access your discount.
Frontier Co-Op
Website • Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • Pinterest
Frontier Co-op has been a member-owned cooperative supporting natural living since 1976 — owned by stores and other organizations that buy and sell our products. We care deeply about our co-op’s effect on the world, and we’re sincerely committed to helping the communities where our products are produced. Your purchases benefit struggling families and communities around the world as we do business with the goal of treating everyone fairly and having a positive impact in the world.
Herbalist & Alchemist
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Founded over 35 years ago by registered herbalist, David Winston, Herbalist & Alchemist manufactures practitioner-quality herbal extracts and exclusive formulas from plants. Their mission is to develop, manufacture, and distribute herbal supplements that are of the highest quality, manufactured from plant material that originates in harmony with the environment: organically grown, ethically wild-crafted or sustainably harvested.
Special offer! Practitioners and AHG registerd Herbalists are eligible for Wholesale Accounts. Apply for Wholesale Account at Herbalist & Alchemist
Genova Diagnostics
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Genova Diagnostics is a leading clinical laboratory applying systems-based testing approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of complex chronic disease. Genova specializes in clinical laboratory services with actionable information.
Standard Process
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Since 1929, Standard Process ® has been a visionary leader in whole food nutrient solutions. The company creates quality nutritional supplements based on the whole food philosophy of its founder, Dr. Royal Lee. Headquartered in Palmyra, Wisconsin, Standard Process offers nutritional supplements, Veterinary Formulas™, and is the exclusive U.S. Distributor of MediHerb ® herbal supplements.
Golden Needle Acupuncture, Herbal & Medical Supply
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Golden Needle Acupuncture, Herbal & Medical Supply is your one stop shop for Chinese/western herbs, nutritional supplements, homeopathics, medical supplies, topicals and so much more. With over 20,000 items from more than 300 brands, we can cover all your needs. Our goal has always been to provide practitioners and the public with the highest quality products available and our staff is friendly, knowledgeable and dedicated to providing a personal touch to your experience.
Special offer! 20% off next order for anyone attending this conference.
United Plant Savers
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United Plant Savers’ mission is to protect native medicinal plants of the United States and Canada and their native habitat while ensuring an abundant renewable supply of medicinal plants for generations to come. Increased usage of botanical medicine, along with habitat destruction, are causing an ever-increasing shortage of wild plant resources, including some of our most treasured medicinal species. This work involves research, education, and conservation of native medicinal plants and their habitats. We hope that you will join us in this worthwhile and important mission. UpS is a 501 (C)3 non-profit organization.
Wise Woman Herbals
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Since 1989, tradition and consistency have provided the foundation for Wise Woman Herbals® whole herb products. You can rely on our commitment to honoring tradition and embracing science in manufacturing organic, non-GMO, all-natural botanical supplements that support health and wellness for living a pure life. Everything we do begins with nature. Our mission is to provide pure natural remedies to those seeking more balance in their lives, doing so in a way that honors our planet and the legacy of the wise women who came before us.
Freebies for Attendees: Wise Woman Herbals has graciously provided the following download materials for free for attendees:
- Energetics Guide
- TCM Principles Guide by Dr. Ren Bedasbad, NC, LAc
- TCM Fundamentals Chart
- Retail Pricing List and Professional Pricing List
- Wise Woman Herbals Catalog
Wishgarden Herbs
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WishGarden Herbs is an independent, family-run business that has been providing natural herbal remedies to communities since 1979. We raise the bar on efficacy by providing a wide variety of dependable in-the-moment symptom-soothers, whole herb remedies for all seasons and all ages.
Special Offer! Use discount code WISH25 at check-out for 25% off your order!
Website • Facebook • Instagram • Twitter
Med-Chem Labs is the maker of the #1 selling Lauricidin® Monolaurin Supplement. Recommended worldwide by health professionals and wellness experts, Lauricidin® is known for its unique health-promoting properties and a wide spectrum of uses. Get the Power of Lauricidin® in our new topical skin care and daily use products at our website.
Discount Information: We offer discount pricing and education programs for Health Professionals who sign up.
Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Website • Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • Pinterest • LinkedIn
The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine is leading the transformation of health care by training a new generation of health professionals and by empowering individuals and communities to optimize health and wellbeing through evidence-based, sustainable, integrative approaches.
Special offer! Free online course: Environmental Health: An Integrative Approach. (More details in our ad in the conference digital book)
Herbal Vitality
Contact or Place an Order
Alleviating Human Suffering, Drop by Drop™
At Herbal Vitality we are dedicated to offering a wide selection of effective and vibrant products. Our practitioner-grade liquid extracts and glycerites are cGMP compliant and made using quality raw materials, organic alcohol and glycerin. Blending Science, Art, and Spirit for the past 19 years.
Pukka Herbs
Website • Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • YouTube
Pukka Herbs is an organic, herbal wellness company founded in 2001 by ethical entrepreneur, Tim Westwell, and practicing herbalist, Sebastian Pole. They grew Pukka from a simple idea: to connect people with the incredible wonders of organic herbs and take them on a journey to a healthier, happier life. All of our tea and supplement blends are created by our staff of herbalists, using ethically sourced, organic and practitioner grade herbs. With sustainability at the heart of Pukka, we are also a certified b-corp, Fair for Life certified, Fair Wild Certified, and a proud member of 1% for the Planet. Finally, we partner with accredited research institutions to continue furthering the expansion of herbalism in the world.
Priority One Vitamins
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We are a privately-held and family-operated Pacific Northwest company, serving you since 1988. We have 3 generations of family on staff! Our formulas are professional grade, GMO-free and feature no artificial additives. We manufacture these high-potency nutritional supplements for bio-availability and optimal function for your patients. All of our products are manufactured in a cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility with a 100% FDA inspection record and is certified by the State of Washington.
Special Offer! Use discount code 15off for 15% off all purchases.
Host Defense Mushrooms
Website • Facebook • Instagram • Pinterest • YouTube
We are a family-owned company specializing in functional food mushroom mycelium supplements to support natural immunity and whole-body wellness. With over 40 years’ experience, we are one of the best-documented and longest-standing certified organic mushroom companies in the U.S. Every mushroom ingredient in every Host Defense product is grown at our own farm near the Olympic Rainforest in Washington State. Our global mission includes collaborating with doctors to help support immunity and health, educating communities about growing mushrooms for food, investing in integrated mushroom technologies to break down or neutralize toxic wastes, pioneering strategies to save the honey bee using fungi, and protecting the natural environment and all its inhabitants.
Biome Research
Please complete this form for a free sample box!
Biome Research is an innovative probiotic technology company focused on improving survivability of beneficial bacteria, both before and after introduction to the human GI tract. The first step, crucial to maintaining the survivability of bacteria, is to focus on protected, cold-shipping. Next, we surround each and every fragile, freeze-dried cell to protect from stomach acid by using a unique, seaweed mucopolysaccharide. And last, unique to us, we address the rehydration of the cells during reanimation from a freeze-dried state utilizing a proprietary electrolyte blend.
Special offer! Introductory Program for a limited time only. Register to join our Early Adopter Program for introductory pricing.
Chelsea Green Publishing is providing conference attendees with a 35% discount on all their book titles!
Use the Discount Code PWEB35 at check-out. It cannot be combined with any other offers (sale priced books or multiple discount codes, for example). Sales and special offers are for online orders at ChelseaGreen.com only (not available for in-store purchase). Free Shipping for orders over $100 is applied after the discount is applied (US orders only).
Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine
Founded by Teresa Boardwine, RH (AGH) in 1994, Green Comfort’s mission is to offer a variety of educational opportunities for herbal studies, support the health of our local community, and preserve native medicinal plants in the process. One of our primary annual programs is Foundations of Medicinal Herbalism, which is based on the pathophysiologic systems, phytochemistry, and actions of the plants. Our Herbal Apothecary course is for the herbal novice, offering a hands-on laboratory approach to creating herbal wellness products. We also offer advanced clinical training opportunities for students working toward becoming a Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild, our Clinic Practicum program and our annual Herbal Energetics course. For those curious about the power of plants (and want an opportunity to escape the city and visit our botanical sanctuary), we offer one-day workshops and a three day Herb Camp for adults.
Battle Ground Healing Arts
Founded in 1988 by Dr Jillian Stansbury, Battle Ground Healing Arts was one of the first alternative medicine hubs in Clark County, now celebrating 30 years in business! We are a GREEN business, powered by solar, collecting rain water, using all organic, biodegradable products, and managing extensive fruit, vegetable and herbal gardens.
Dr. Jill Crista
Suggested Books for Further Herbal Learning
- The Business of Botanicals by Ann Armbrecht (Available from Chelsea Green — use code PWEB35 for 35% off)
- Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals: Volumes 1-4 by Jillian Stansbury, ND (Available from Chelsea Green — use code PWEB35 for 35% off)
- Practical Wisdom in Natural Healing by Deborah Frances, RN, ND
- Break the Mold by Jill Crista, ND
- Wild Roots: A Forager’s Guide to the Wild Edible and Medicinal Roots, Tubers, Corms, & Rhizomes by Doug Elliott
- Bush Medicine of the Bahamas by Kathleen Maier, RH (AHG) et al.
- Herbal Spa by Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)
- Cordially Yours by Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)
- Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief by David Winston, RH (AHG)
We look forward to seeing you online in June!
Herbal Educational Services
Conference Registration
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