Welcome to the VIRTUAL exhibit hall at Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium, May 29 – June 1, 2020! View the full conference schedule.
Symposium Information
Location: Streaming online at www.botanicalmedicine.org
Due to the current situation and closure of Blue Ridge Assembly, the symposium is now converted from an in-person event to a VIRTUAL format (video streaming). The same speakers and topics, and the same continuing education credits!
We have created a multi-faceted experience that gives exhibitors exposure to our attendees in a virtual setting, registration to the symposium, a full set of audio recordings and the digital book of lecture notes and PowerPoints.
Exhibitor Details
Please email the Sponsorship Coordinator at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org the names of your exhibit reps and their email addresses. Please keep us informed if the names change. Extra reps (more than two) can pay a special registration fee of $289.
The Premium Exhibitor package includes:
• The Medicines Symposium attendee page will feature your large logo, your website, all your social media sites plus a paragraph description of your company. Participants will see this every time they access a video.
• The Medicines Symposium public page will feature your logo, website and note of thanks for being an online exhibitor.
• Our social media pages will feature a post on our Facebook or Instagram (your choice) spreading the word about all you do for the herbal community.
• You’ll have full access to the online conference, digital book of notes and audio downloads.
• A half-page ad in the digital and printed versions of the Medicines from the Earth proceedings book of lecture notes.
• 2 representative registrations ($798 value)
The Symposium Supporters package includes:
• The Medicines Symposium attendee page will feature your small logo, your website, social media and a 1-sentence description of your company. Participants will see this every time they access a video. These are listed after the premium exhibitors in the virtual exhibit hall.
• Our social media pages will feature a post on either our Facebook or Instagram (your choice) spreading the word about all you do for the herbal community.
• You’ll have full access to the online conference, digital book of notes and audio downloads.
We thank you for your support of the annual Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium! Please email the Sponsorship Coordinator atcaitlin@botanicalmedicine.orgif you have any questions.
Additional Symposium Events
To add an event to your exhibitor/sponsor registration, please email the Sponsorship Coordinator at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org.

Pre-Symposium Intensive – Friday 5/29/20, 1:00-5:15 PM Eastern Time
Mitigating the Effects of Glyphosate and other Environmental Toxins for the Prevention of Chronic Disease and Health Optimization – the Application of Hormesis and Herbal Medicine
Presenter: Donald Yance, RH (AHG)
Cost: $89
Location: Live on Vimeo.com
CE: Approved for 4 general credits for naturopathic physicians and 4 PDA points for acupuncturists.
Continuing Education Information
Please sign up in advance for your CE program even if there’s no extra charge. Add it to your registration by emailing the Sponsorship Coordinator at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org.
Pending approval, we offer CE, CME, CNE, PDA and CEUs for:
- Naturopathic Physicians: Approved for maximum 21.5 CME hours of which 9 hours can be pharmacy, including Friday pre-conference intensive (OBNM). More information on naturopathic continuing education.
- Acupuncturists: Approved for 22.5 PDA (hours) by NCCAOM. All lectures approved for 1.5 PDA (hours) except pre-conference intensive = 4 hours credit. More information on NCCAOM categories of approval for acupuncturists.
- Nurses: Approved for 31.5 CNE contact hours (NCNA, an accredited approver of ANCC).
- Note: $35 charge for nursing CNE due to high cost of new application.
Other Symposium Information
Cancellations: Before May 13, registration fees will be refunded minus $100 processing per registrant. No refunds can be given after 5/13/20. Cancellations should be emailed to the Sponsorship Coordinator at caitlin@botanicalmedicine.org.
We look forward to working with you virtually this year!
Caitlin Maher
Sponsorship Coordinator
Herbal Educational Services