Past Herbal Medicine Conference:
Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium
- Location: In your living room! A virtual streaming conference. Video or audio recordings now available!
- Theme: Restoring Immunological Balance with Botanicals
- Features 37 clinical presentations, virtual herb walks and medicine-making demonstrations
- Friday pre-symposium clinical intensive with Donald Yance, RH (AHG)
- Three panel discussions and Keynote address with Chanchal Cabrera, RH (AHG)
- Continuing Education Credits for recordings — Nurses and Naturopathic Physicians. Audio or Video:
- Nurses: Approved for maximum 41.5 CNE contact hours*.
- Naturopathic Physicians: Live event approved for maximum 21.5 CME hours of which 9 hours can be pharmacy. (Pending: Application submitted for up to 56.5 CME including 9.5 pharmacy hours for audio and video recordings.)
Speakers: Teresa Boardwine, Mary Bove, Chanchal Cabrera, David Crow, Doug Elliott, Christopher Hobbs, Robin McGee, Jason Miller, Kenneth Proefrock, CoreyPine Shane, Vickie Shufer, Katie Stage, Marc Williams, Jennifer Williams, David Winston and Donald Yance
* This activity has been approved by the North Carolina Nurses Association for 31.5 contact hours. North Carolina Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (Note: $35 charge for nursing CNE due to high cost of new application.)
Past Herbal Medicine Conference:
Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

- Location: In your living room! A virtual streaming conference. Video or audio recordings now available!
- Features clinical lectures on the applications of botanical medicine in chronic health conditions, an herb walk in the desert and a garden lecture.
- Pre-conference Clinical intensive on Herb-Drug Interactions with Glen Nagel, ND
- Continuing Education Credits for recordings — Naturopathic Physicians. Audio or Video:
- Arizona: Approved by SCNM CE reviewers for up to 50.5 general hours of which 13.5 can be pharmacy and 3 opioid addiction credits.
- Oregon: Approved by OBNM for up to 49 general hours of which 14 can be pharmacy and 1.5 ethics (for Addiction Part A).
- California: Approved by CNDA for up to 20.5 general hours of which 13 can be pharmacy.
- All ND CE details on this page.
Speaker list: Lydia Bartholow, Paul Bergner, Sam Coffman, Glen Nagel, Marianne Marchese, Heath McAllister, Andrea Purcell, Kenneth Proefrock, Mary Rondeau, JoAnn Sanchez, Yalda Shokoohinia, John Slattery, Katie Stage, David Winston, Donnie Yance and Eric Yarnell.